

Term three has been an exciting time for Music, and our Arlington children have shown great interest and care in our projects this term.

 The Kinders and Lighthouse Keepers have been exploring different ways of communication, through English, French and Auslan (sign language for the deaf) in our music making. Recently we have enjoyed learning “I Can Sing a Rainbow”, using our knowledge of the French words for colours. A big thank you to Madame Suzanne for helping us to sing the whole song in French!

The Lofties have been learning about the function of a conductor and the role of musical families. We have drawn an orchestra, listened to a range of pieces including musical stories, and shared our reflections of what we have heard with our peers. We enjoyed playing Drum Conductor, where each student gets a turn at directing the class in pursuit of music making. Recently we have applied our newfound knowledge and reflections of the orchestra and instrument families to develop our own compositions on Garageband.

The Sunroom and Peppercorn students have enjoyed creating their own music for Gaming videos this term. They have developed their own looping menu music page, as well as an action music video which involves matching sounds to exact timing. They have done a wonderful job, writing artistic intentions, using a diverse range of instrumentation to express their creativity, and they have shown much patience and courage facing the challenges of an activity such as this.


We have a showcase session this week and next as an opportunity to showcase our original works with our peers.


Michelle Berner

Music Teacher