Middle School News

Year 7 to Year 9

What's been happening in our Learning Spaces?

Please click here to read the reflections of the Year 7 PCG2 students, about their first term in high school. 

Middle School Update

Term Two has started with a flurry of activities and energy, which highlights the opportunities and engagement that our fantastic staff provide for our wonderful students. It has been positive to also have so much parent/carer interest and support in what we are promoting at SCC; to holistically develop our young people into well-rounded adults with a broad range of experience. 


The ANZAC Day Liturgy on day one was a very reverent gathering which was highlighted by the Year 7 students who were involved so respectfully through the organisation of Mr Di Sabato. 


Our College photos provided a chance for our students and staff to add to the history and journey of our young school and I’m sure students will look back on them in the future with very fond memories; especially the photo of our first ever ACC Swim Team!! 


Sporting events, or even more-so, 'events to provide opportunities to engage positively with classmates in a different environment’ were expertly organised and run by Mr Loh and the Middle School Team. The Inter-House Cross Country and the Year 7 and Year 8/9 Lightning Carnivals were excellent examples of this. These events don’t call upon students to be ‘sporty’ -they just have to be involved and have fun with friends at whatever level they feel comfortable participating at. Thanks to the parents who ensured their children attended school on these days, as it shows your support for ‘the journey’ which we have planned for them.

We have our first Year 9 Camp next week (17 - 19 May) which encapsulates ‘the journey’ we have for our students and their holistic development. On Wednesday morning, these students will depart with some nervousness but will return with fun stories to tell of camping with their friends, overcoming some challenges and the end result will be an experience, which is often described as a highlight of a student’s time at school. Thanks again to the parents/carers for your support in organising the equipment list, completing the online Form and supporting us with the ‘tough love’ that goes with getting their children on the bus.


On Tuesday (16 May) morning, our Year 7 students have vaccinations. Thanks to the parents/carers who have completed the hard-copy or online Form; this needs to be done regardless of your choice as it is a requirement of the Department of Health. 


Later in the afternoon, the Middle School students will be learning more about MJR where they can discover the values, qualities and attitudes necessary for a faith-filled, positive life. This will help them be inspired by the words, actions and teaching of Jesus Christ and guide them to exemplify these at school, home and in the community. 


Mr Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Yr 7 to Yr 9)