Junior School News 

Year 3 to Year 6

Curriculum Conversations


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Junior School Update

Term Two is well and truly ‘off with a bang’!


Thank you, Year 4 Grey and Year 4 Red for hosting a lovely ANZAC liturgy with Year 7 students on our first day back from the holidays. Year 3 to Year 9 students came together to acknowledge Anzac Day which falls on the 25th of April each year. The students walked us through lovely, reflective prayers, visuals, the Last Post, Rouse and the Ode, being great role models for emphasising the significance of silence. This added value to many lessons about war across Junior School.


Year 3 students are working hard in Religious Education preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation later this Term. Students are excited about starting a special art piece and attending a retreat day at the Schoenstatt Shrine. 




The last couple of days, Year 3 have been putting the finishing touches on special Mother’s Day gifts. They are quite the artists!








Year 5 students are currently engaged in History and early colonies. As a cross-curricular link, the Learning Space is enjoying a class novel, Rotters and Squatters – Fair Dinkum Histories by Jackie French. Rotters and Squatters continues the warts-and-all story of Australia from 1820 to 1850. 


This period saw new colonies founded and squatters spreading into new areas and taking the best land.Clashes with the Indigenous population were inevitable and often brutal. As the supply of convict labour dried up, free settlers began arriving and the demand for self-government grew.


Year 6 students are busily preparing for their assembly item next week. They are keeping their theme and performance ‘under wraps’, so we are all looking forward to this! There is also a ‘buzz’ in the air, with student anticipation on receiving the End-of-Year 6 shirts, due to arrive next week!! These shirts were designed by Year 6 students, and they cannot wait to wear them!


In HASS, both Year 6 Red and Year 6 Grey are focusing on Government, its structure (Local, State and Federal) and national and international influences that can impact decisions.


Mrs Christine Pitman

Head of Junior School (Year 3 to Year 6)