A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome to Term Two, we had a number of new families join the Salvado community at the start of this term, I welcome them to our community. The Salvado community continues to grow with our second Pre-K class commencing on Monday 22 May with Mrs Jennifer Simpson as the teacher and Mrs Shaye Dunstan as the EA. Playgroup has recommenced and is for children aged 0-4 years and their families. Playgroup runs on Tuesdays from 8:45am to 10:15am in the Pre-Kindergarten Learning Space. This is being run by a Parent Coordinator, Mrs Cathleen Oliver, we thank Cathleen for coordinating this for the College. 


Uniform Matters 

Thank you to the parents and caregivers who ensure their children come to school each day, correctly attired as per the College Uniform Guidelines. Your support is greatly appreciated. The wearing of a uniform reinforces in students pride in their appearance and instills recognition of themselves as valued members of the Salvado Catholic College community. The uniform provides the students with a sense of belonging at Salvado Catholic College and promotes the safety and security of students by allowing for the ready identification of students who attend the College. The wearing of a uniform also fosters equality, as the uniform is common to all students at Salvado Catholic College. The obligation of students to wear a uniform is provided for in the agreement between parents/carers and the College at the time of enrolment.  


All students in the Middle School should be wearing the Winter Formal Uniform which includes compulsory ties (boys) and tie bows (girls). Boys' white shirts should be tucked in whether they are wearing either shorts or long pants which are to be worn with a black belt. The College Uniform Guidelines are available via this link.


The introduction of the House Shirt Friday has been very successful with the majority of the students opting to wear their House Shirt with the Sport Uniform each Friday. If students do not have a House Shirt, one needs to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. All students from Kindergarten to Year Nine should have a House Shirt. If Middle School students have sport on a Friday, they should be wearing their House Shirt and not their Red Sports Shirt. 


Skorts Survey

Thank you to the parents/carers who responded to the survey we put out to the community asking for feedback on the possible opportunity for girls to be able to wear skorts as a part of the Secondary uniform, the results from the survey were as follows:

  • 163 Respondents: (70 parents, 10 Year 6 students, 69 M/S students, 14 staff)
  • Parents Responses: Early Years (10), Junior School (29), Middle School (52)
  • Year Responses: Yr 6 (9), Yr 7 (27), Yr 8 (27), Yr 9 (16)
  • Should Skorts be an option in the Secondary: Agree (111), Disagree (52)

The outcome from the survey is that skorts will be included as an option for the Formal Uniform in the Secondary from the start of 2024.


New Staff Member

Josune De Vidal will be taking on the role previously filled by Lisa Brooks, working in the Early Years and providing Literacy/Numeracy Support for the students. Josune will be working Tuesdays & Wednesdays commencing Tuesday 16 May. We welcome her to Salvado Catholic College.


National Walk Safely to School Day

The Annual Walk Safely to School Day will be held on Friday May 19. National Walk Safely to School Day is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term well-being of our children. The annual event encourages parents and teachers to teach road safety skills and support the importance of regular walking, not just on 19 May, but every day. We encourage all our families to support this important initiative and walk to school with your child on this day.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
