Spotlight on Learning

Students of the week
Congratulations to our week one Students of the Week.
It felt as though I had butterflies in my stomach as I walked up to the altar. 'Left hand on top' I thought to myself. "Chomp! Chomp!" my family smiled as I sat down again.
My favourite part of the eucharist was when I received the bread, ,when Father Dispin said the prayer I said "Amen". It tasted like cardboard.
I ran into the car with my dazzling white clothes . I read my prayer with a loud voice
I walked back. I had Eucharist. I had a Slurpee and went to a restaurant after.
When my family and I arrived at the church I had butterflies in my stomach. I took deep breaths so that helped. When I got the bread I looked at my mum and she looked like she had just won the lottery. Lastly we went to the Mitcham Social.
I was so nervous when I had to do my reading I did it and I thought it was over BUT I FORGOT TO SAY LORD HEAR US but Father said it for me so I was happy.
I ate the bread after we had a vanilla sponge cake. I only ate the icing because I didn't like the actual cake.
We ate the bread and it tasted like plain rice, but its texture was crunchy like cardboard. It was softer than I thought and it was the opposite of what I was expecting.
My favourite part was when me and Ella had to go up and carry the bread and wine. We were wearing matching dresses and shoes. I held the bread because I was scared that I would drop the wine on my white dress.
My first Eucharist was amazing! At the start I was a bit nervous but then I was fine. The bread was pretty good too even though it tasted like cardboard!
My favourite part of my first Eucharist was when I received the bread. I was so happy , the only thing that made me feel weird was when I got my certificate, because my mum was like one of the crazy paparazzi people
Since it was my first Eucharist, I got to choose a restaurant for dinner! I chose a Japanese restaurant! At the place, I hugged a big cat and we ordered a big feast! you know the feeling when the food is sooo good but you're all full? That's how I felt!
I sat down and Father Dispin started talking as our candles were lit. We started with songs and we had to sing. To be honest the songs were quite catchy.
Dad drove the car to First Eucharist. My family came inside the Church. Father Dispin said prayers. Fr Dispin gave me bread. I ate the beard. Then I went home.