P & F Newsletter

Hi St James Families,
Hoping all the mothers had a great day celebrating motherhood with their families yesterday.
We have some exciting details to share with you tomorrow about our major social event on Saturday 15 July so keep an eye out for this email.
Natasha, Meg and Lisa from the Grade 2 organising committee would also like to thank everyone who participated in the ticket price poll as your feedback has helped immensely with planning this special event.
Thank you to the 2 families who have contacted us with some generous donations for our Major Fundraiser coming up. We are very grateful for your support!
A message from our Sponsorships and Donations Team Natalie Lim (Lachlan-Gr 3, Emma, Gr-Prep) and Jason Barrie (Neve-Gr 3):
Hi St James Families.
We are now 5 weeks away from our major fundraiser our online Silent Auction opening. We are trying to identify sponsors and source donations that can be raffled, used for prizes on the night, or silent auction items to maximise the returns to the St James community. Today, we're asking for your help in identifying donations and sponsor opportunities. Businesses tend to be more open to donating if they know the person asking. You may know of (or own) a business that can support us by donating any item/s (or services) large or small. Donations present an opportunity for businesses to promote the brand and business amongst the St James community and broaden their customer reach. Some donation ideas to get you thinking include:
- Cafe/restaurant vouchers
- Air BnB weekend away
- Wine pack
- Pamper service/pack.
- Sporting goods
- Gardening goods/services
- Vouchers for family entertainment and experiences
- Beauty vouchers or packs
- Vouchers for children’s clinic/classes ot gym vouchers
We are looking to finalise our prizes and raffle items for these events towards the start of June, so if you know (or own) a business that you think may be open to supporting the St James P&F or have any questions: please reach out to Jason/Natalie or Kylie or the pandf@sjvermont.catholic.edu.au email box
Our Mother’s Day Raffle was drawn on Friday and congrats to the following winners whose children brought home some great prizes for them!
1st Prize- Bec Walters
2nd Prize- Steph Berardi
3rd Prize- Nicole Spezza
4th Prize- Jo Bufalino
5th Prize- Melissa Height
A big thank you to everyone who bought tickets, to Jason Barrie for sourcing the prizes and Clemi Kohombanwickremage for organising the raffle tickets and myself for putting together the flyer! Just under $700 was raised!
Special thanks to the following generous local businesses who donated to our raffle.
Milk & Wine Co. - Heathmont Shops
Such generous supporters of our local community, Milk & Wine Co, opened on the first day of the pandemic lockdowns over 2 yrs ago and since then haven't stopped supporting local fundraisers and especially those doing it tough. A beautiful venue that serves perfect coffees, local and top quality wine and delicious food made from quality local produce.
(Owned by Alisha Weekes, mum of Jack and Charlie)
A local family running a local small business specialising in unique homewares, pots and the freshest and healthiest hand-picked indoor plants .Mamo Home embraces community spirit and is passionate about supporting local artisans and showcasing local makers in their beautiful store.
Local Delivery available
5/65-71 Heatherdale Road, Ringwood
9874 4101
Instagram - @mamohome_au
Face Book - Mamo Home
Also to Rebel for the 1st and 5th prize and Endota Spa, Forest Hill for the 4th Prize.
PLEASE SUPPORT these businesses who have so generously supported our school!
MOTHER’S DAY STALL THANKS!A very big thanks once gain to Cate Pigeault and Jess Savoia for their wonderful coordination of our annual Mother’s Day Stall. Hoping the mums enjoyed the gifts their children carefully selected for them on Friday. Thanks also to Kath McMahon, Lusia Kho and Kylie McMahon for signing up to help.
Pizzas Food Day is on this Wednesday. By the number of orders, it looks as though not much lunch making will be required in St James households!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, plans for a whole school mum’s night this month have been out on hold. If a new date is chosen next term plenty of notice will be given. Thanks for your understanding.
Thank you,
P&F Team Leader