Teaching and Learning

Karen Whelan, Deputy Principal - Staff, Teaching and Learning

The Term in Review

Term 1 has been a very busy one on the teaching and learning front. Our students are now settled into the day to day running of school life and have had many opportunities to immerse themselves in their own learning journey. Our teachers have created a safe and welcoming learning environment in their classrooms, which has enabled them to further develop their students as learners and offer them many moments of challenge and growth.  


This term, our Prep students have enjoyed learning about being a Shelford student and meeting new friends and teachers. Year 1 and 2 are enjoying the exploratory nature of JDC and working with their peers. Our JDC students are always encouraged to be brave with their learning and many new wonderful adventures await them in Terms 2 and 3. 


This term our Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students have completed NAPLAN and our Year 3 to 10 students have been involved in PAT testing. These tests provide us with information that can be used to improve student achievement by ensuring our learning programs are targeted to individual needs and points of growth. 


Our Year 9 students are currently enjoying the first week of their Challenge Program – The City Challenge. Over the course of the week the Year 9's navigate their way between a range of activities and areas of the Melbourne CBD. An exciting part of the program is the students’ self-directed inquiry. During the term, the Year 9's have been busy planning for their City Challenge and we greatly look forward to them sharing their learning upon their return in Term 2. 


Our Year 11 students have transitioned into the world of VCE and are learning to manage an increased workload, take greater responsibility for their own learning and balance their revision routine. Our Year 12 students are now well and truly immersed in their final year of secondary schooling. The Year 12's have been involved in sessions that encourage them to review and reflect on their own learning behaviours, so that that they are able to maintain a balanced lifestyle and take ownership of their learning journey. Our after school VCE Tutoring Program has also begun this term. The program offers our students the opportunity to be tutored by recent Shelfordians. 


Our teachers have been able to regularly share feedback with our students and their families via our continuous reporting model. Students have received both formative and summative feedback (from their CATs and SACs) over the term. The Term 1 Parent Teacher Student Conferences, offered the opportunity for parents and guardians to discuss their daughter’s learning progress and meet teachers both onsite and online.  


As Term 1 comes to a close, I wish all our students and families a wonderful term break and hope you enjoy some well-deserved down time. I greatly look forward to seeing you all on our return in Term 2.  

Karen Whelan

Deputy Principal - Staff, Teaching and Learning/Psychology