Monday 22 May
BioEYES - Year 8 SEALP Science (22 to 24)
Year 8 High Tech Hospital - YRTS (22 to 26)
Monday 29 May
YRTS Game Development - 7A & 7C, 7H & 7G
Tuesday 30 May
YRTS Game Development - 7B & 7D
Wednesday 31 May
YRTS Game Development - 7E & 7F
Monday 12 June
Kings Birthday
Tuesday 13 June
Student Free Day - Reporting and Assessment Day
EMR Cross Country
Wednesday 14 June
Semester 2 Starts
Mid-Year Melodies Instrumental Music Concert
Wednesday 21 June
Significant Person afternoon tea 8A - 8E
Thursday 22 June
Significant Person afternoon tea 8F - 8J
Friday 23 June
END OF TERM 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
Monday 10 July
Year 7 Phillip Island Camp
During the last week of March, Year 7 students and staff had a fantastic time on the Year 7 Camp. The 3-day camp was an essential component of student orientation into Year 7.
The students engaged in a variety of FUN activities focusing on confidence building, leadership, friendships and teamwork.
Here are a few photos from the camp.
Year 8 Vice Captains Report
Year 8 Health & Wellbeing Day
Wellbeing Day was a blast with friends and lots of fun. We started off the day with a guest speaker coming in to talk to us about body image and accepting yourself. Jess was from the Butterfly Foundation and she talked to us about diets and showed us a few videos of real life people who shared their experiences about diets. At recess we were given healthy snacks to take out to lunch.
We took a bus out to the Chirnside Park Country Club to do lawn bowls, tennis and mini golf. First, my group started off with lawn bowls, it took a little while to get the hang of it, but it was a fun game to play with my friends. Then we went and did mini golf, where I came second!!
After lunch my group went back out and did tennis which was fun and a little bit competitive. It was a great day with lots of fun to relax and chill with friends.
For the Wellbeing Day, I did the Warburton Trail bike ride. It was 20kms to get there and 20km back to Lilydale. It was quite difficult for some people not having the best of bikes to ride, but when we got to Mount Evelyn it was 5kms downhill.
We finally got to the bottom of the incline., and we continued until we got to the old Woori Yallock Station for lunch and we headed back, but the 5km downhill was now uphill and it took about more than half an hour to finish that part, but after that, it was smooth sailing back to Lilydale Station. It was a very fun wellbeing experience and I would do it again.
Year 8 Health & Wellbeing Day
Tuesday 2 May
SSV State Diving Competition
A big congratulations to Georgia Gow (Year 8), who won the SSV State Diving Competition on Monday May 1, while competing for Lilydale High School. We wish Georgia the best of luck for the national competition in August.
Funky Hat Friday
8A students in their Funky Hats!
Lunchtime Activities
Students are reminded that there are a number of lunchtime activity clubs running across the school. These clubs can be a great way to meet new friends, catch up with current friends, and spend time doing something that interests you.
The lunchtime activities schedule can be found on the Year 7 and Year 8 Google Classrooms.
Junior School Coordinators