Primary Schools
Winter Sports Gala Day
On Thursday 4 May, the Year 9 Community Sport program students helped to facilitate the District Winter Sport Round Robin at Pinks Reserve and Mooroolbark Soccer Club.
Our students umpired, scored and cheered on students from Birmingham PS, Bimbadeen PS, Mooroolbark East PS, Billanook PS and St Peter Julian Eymard PS as they played Netball, AFL, TBall and Soccer for their schools.
Multiple parents and teachers from the Primary Schools complimented the outstanding support and enthusiasm that our students brought to the day.
Well done to the students who attended the day, you were fantastic role models for the primary school students and demonstrated excellent leadership throughout the day.
Zoe Younger
Tee-Ball and Soccer
The students in Mr Huby's Year 9 Community Sport class headed to Mooroolbark Soccer Club to umpire and score for the Winter Sport Gala Day in Tee-Ball and Soccer.
With seven primary schools entering teams, we knew we were in for a big day. The weather was looking quite average, but we were lucky, and it held off even with a bit of sunshine appearing in the afternoon.
Our students were fantastic on the soccer pitches, where a five pitch Round Robin tournament took place.
Over on the Tee-Ball fields, there were four fields full of keen students.
I heard nothing but compliments from the staff of the primary schools and the convenors of the day were truly thankful.
A huge congratulations to our group. Your superb behaviour and the way you conducted yourself was a true representation of how a Lilydale High student should act while representing the school. Well done!
Brendon Huby