Year 8 SEALP
During the first week of May, our Year 8 SEALP students were looking at 'House materials' that can stand weathering, intense heat from the sun and flooding in Australia.
Previously, students researched our climate and materials needed to create a sturdy house and then they developed ratios of materials and created samples to scratch, burn and drown.
Year 8J
Students in 8J started this term learning about the design process and investigating the importance of S.T.E.A.M subjects.
They were given a challenge of making the largest spaghetti tower in 18 minutes with only limited resources. As you can see from the photos - some of the designs were more successful than others.
Students collaborated effectively and communicated their ideas on butchers' paper before they executed their designs.
One of the hardest parts of the task was to produce their finished models in the time allocated.
The peer judging also gave the students an opportunity to praise and creatively give feedback in a constructive manner!
We cannot wait to see them in action again, building machines for a 'Wacky Race'. Watch this space!
Year 9 ADP Program
Excellent effort was shown by students in the Year 9 ADP Program setting up a practical investigation for their first learning task.
They modelled the effect of high energy/sugared drinks on bone health.
Researching the minerals found in healthy bones and linking back to the bone test data, they will collect this week.
Year 10 Core Science
DNA modelling using lollies - Year 10 students demonstrated their understanding of DNA and its structure by creating their own models.
Julie Colyer