Vocational Major

Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major (VCE VM)

The VCE Vocational Major is a vocational and applied learning program within the VCE, designed to be completed over a minimum of two years. The VCE VM replaces VCAL in 2023 and is a pathway for students wanting to complete an apprenticeship, traineeship, further vocational education, or university (via a non-ATAR pathway) This is the first year BHHS has offered this alternative program.


Students study four core subjects, including Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related Skills, and Personal Development Skills. A requirement of the VM is students must participate in a VET (Vocational Education and Training) subject at a registered training provider as well as complete structured workplace learning one day per week, that directly aligns with their VET studies. 


We have students studying numerous VET subjects which directly link to their chosen vocation, such as Electrotechnology, Automotive, Carpentry, Event Management, Child Care and Sport and Recreation. 


Student suitability is based on a thorough career interview with one of the BHHS career practitioners and parent approval. It's important to understand that students completing the VCE via the VCE VM program will not receive an ATAR (for direct entry in university), however they will receive the Victorian Certificate of Education in the Vocational Major stream and will complete year 12 with a VET certificate (or partial completion, depending on the VET course) and extensive workplace learning. 


More information on the VCE Vocational Major at BHHS for 2024 will be given at a parent information evening later in the year (dates to be confirmed).



By Fiona Fuller

Careers and VM Co-ordinator