Careers Update

Welcome Kathryn
The Careers Team would like to warmly welcome Kathryn Neuschefer to the team. Kathryn is a Careers Development Practitioner and brings experience both from the education and private sector. Kathryn will be a wonderful addition as she shares her knowledge of My Career Insights, Morrisby program, the Work Experience Program, VET (Vocational Education and Training), and student career counselling.
Class of 2022
Huge congratulations to the class of 2022 on their fantastic results and achievements. A vast number of our students have entered Tertiary Education, or the work force and we are so proud of them all. It has been great to speak to many past students this year to hear about their plans for 2023, study, travel, apprenticeships, GAP years – what an exciting time to explore all the opportunities life has to offer! It was a pleasure to get to know them last year and help them plan their futures ahead.
Year 9 students started their journey on the My Career Insights, Morrisby program. Morrisby is a career assessment tool designed for students in year 9 to discover possible career paths, develop an awareness of the vast array of careers in society and assist them to drive their career planning, giving them the confidence to start mapping out their future. Morrisby is a vital tool when choosing senior subjects that can give them the foundational knowledge and skills to work toward their future study or work goals.
The Morrisby program is presented in 2 stages. The first stage is online profiling, the second stage is a 1:1 consultation with a trained Morrisby consultant, to unpack their profiling results and investigate suggested careers.
Year 9 students participated in profiling on Monday April 3rd. The profiling involves students completing a series of online aptitude, interest, and personality questions. In the first two weeks of Term 2 Year 9 students will have the opportunity to have a 1:1 consultation with a trained Morrisby advisor to discuss the profiling results, investigate subject options, and explore suggested occupations, based on their results. These consultations will take place via Webex and parents are invited to attend.
Work Experience Workshop
Work Experience is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience the world of work during a week mutually agreed between the student and the employer. We offer all Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in the Work Experience program. Any enquiries can be directed to the Careers team.
The first Work Experience workshop was held at the start of term 1 with a large turnout of students. We have had several students interested in completing Work Experience and cannot wait to visit them at their workplaces, such as Monash University, Salvation Army, Warrandyte Diary, and Blackburn Primary School.
If you think your business or workplace could host a work experience student, please contact the Careers team, we are always looking for host employers.
Year 12 Retreat It was wonderful to be invited along to the Year 12 Retreat and spend some quality time with the students. I was lucky enough to also share their Year 7 camp experience at Camp Manyung, so it was a fun way to start their final year of high school with them.
At the retreat I presented students with information on how the Careers Team can and will assist throughout the year with pathway planning, creating their VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) account, SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme) and more. There have been a lot of students coming to visit to chat about options and I hope to see a lot more students over the next two terms. VTAC accounts open in August, however before then, we will be holding workshops and information sessions to assist students when making important decisions about their future.
Year 12 Whitehorse Careers Expo
On March 28th students walked to Box Hill Town Hall for the first ever Whitehorse VCE Careers Expo, organised by Gateway LLEN (Local Learning and Employment Network). We were able to visit and chat with over 70 exhibitors, ranging from Tertiary Institutions, Emergency Services, Industry Experts and Jobs, Skills and Pathways specialist who were on hand to assist students with resumes and interview techniques. This was a terrific opportunity for Year 12 students to chat with tertiary reps and industry experts and investigate options for 2024.
VET (Vocational Education and Training):
BHHS has over 60 students attending 13 training providers for VET. Studying a VET subject offers a broad educational experience, a rewarding learning environment, and students get to meet students from other schools to work alongside and collaborate with. Students that complete a VET subject complete year 12 with a VCE and a certificate (Cert II to IV) in their chosen field.
VET places are limited each year and students need to be endorsed by their coordinator and have a pathway discussion with the careers team to apply. Students need to be aware of the commitment to studying an external subject, but the benefits are extensive. If students are interested in knowing more, they can come and have a chat in the Careers office.
What is to come in Term 2…. | |
Morrisby 1:1 Interviews | Monday 24 April to Friday 5 May 2023. |
Year 12 Workshops (Q&A, Apprenticeship & Traineeship advice) | Students will be updated via TEAMS |
Year 10 Work Experience | Continues through Term 2 |
Year 11 Monash and VCE/Careers Expo | May 5th |
Arcadis STEAM Event | Thursday 31 August, 2023 (TBC) |
The Careers Team can be contacted for enquiries by all students and parents via
Careers website:
Wishing you all a very safe term break.
By Fiona Fuller