
Enrolment at Box Hill High School is consistent with government legislation and departmental policy. 


Box Hill High School has a strict enrolment policy that is enforced.  Enrolment is only guaranteed for students living within the designated school zone.  Enrolment of siblings who reside out of zone may depend on enrolment demand each year.


Our School Zone

The Find my School website is the official and most up to date source of school zone maps in Victoria.  All government Primary, Secondary and Specialist Schools are on Find my School. 


Year 7 - Moving from primary to secondary school

The enrolment process for government Secondary Schools is facilitated by Primary Schools during the Grade 6 year.   


It is the Primary School Transition Coordinator's role to assist parents with the application process for enrolment at a government Secondary School. 


Moving from a government Primary School to a government Secondary School

  1. From the beginning of Term 2, the Year 7 Placement Information Pack for Parents/Carers for 2024 (including Placement Request Form) are issued by the Department of Education and Training and distributed to families by your child’s primary school. Completed forms must be returned to the student’s primary school by 12 May 2023.
  2. It is the primary school Transition Coordinator's role to assist parents with the application process for enrolment. The Primary School will inform parents of the application outcome on 19 July 2023.  Should your child be offered a place at Box Hill High School, we will be in touch during the weeks following. At this time, residential documentation will be requested.


Moving from a non-government Primary School or home schooling to a government Secondary School

For placement in Year 7 at Secondary School for commencement in 2024, you will need to:

  1. Download the 'Placement Information Pack' (available Week 1, Term 2, 2023) 
  2. Use Find my School to locate if Box Hill High School is your zoned secondary school. 
  3. Complete the Application Form and return it to Box Hill High School by 12 May 2023.
  4. You will receive notification via your child’s Primary School or directly from Box Hill High School on 19 July 2023, of the outcome of your application.  Should your child be offered a place at Box Hill High School, we will be in touch during the weeks following.  At this time, residential documentation will be requested.


For all information on transitioning from Year 6 to 7, including the 2023 to 2024 Placement Information Packs for Parents/Carers, please visit the Department of Education and Training website week 1, Term 2, 2023, refer to Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents


Year 8-12 Students

Students enquiring about enrolment in Years 8-12 should complete an Enrolment Enquiry Form accessible via our website and return it to enrolments@boxhillhs.vic.edu.au along with the supporting documentation required to demonstrate a permanent place of residential address, along with identification documents and a copy of the student's most recent school report. 


GAPP Program

Box Hill HS provides a specifically designed program known as GAPP (Gifted Academic Potential Program) for academically gifted students who are enrolled at the school and who live in our designated school zone. 


Entry to the GAPP program is via a testing process for Grade 6 students, typically in the second half of each year.  Further information regarding entrance to the GAPP Program and testing will be made available via our website closer to the date.


Permanent Residential Address

Please note that an offer of enrolment at Box Hill High School is subject to providing the required documentation regarding the permanent residential address.  This is the address at which the student permanently resides with parents or legal guardians. Each enrolment application must demonstrate that the student lives within the designated school zone by meeting the 100-point Residential Address Check as outlined by the Department of Education and Training. Information about the types of documentation accepted can be found on our Enrolment Enquiry Form.


Residential Residency in Designated School Zone

It is an expectation that a family will remain permanent residents within the designated school zone for the duration of their child’s education at Box Hill High School.


Out of Zone Siblings

We are unable to guarantee enrolment for siblings from outside our designated school zone.  Enrolment availability for siblings from out of the zone is dependent on:

  1. The number of in-zone enrolments
  2. The number of places available once all students within the zone have been allocated a place.


English Language Assistance

English Language Schools (ELS) are Government Primary and Secondary schools catering for new arrival students from language backgrounds other than English (LOTE). Students attend an English Language School for an intensive transition program in English Language prior to enrolment in a mainstream school. The aims are to teach students the language and learning skills to successfully meet the educational demands of schooling and to prepare students for participation in the wider school community.


Students who qualify for English Language assistance will be directed to a government-funded language school and subsequent enrolment at a Government Secondary School will be managed by the language school. 


Please refer to Blackburn English Language School or any of the government-funded Language schools listed on the DET website. 




Further Information

For more information regarding enrolment, please email enrolments@boxhillhs.vic.edu.au or phone 9877 1177.


By Rebekah Rumble

Enrolments Officer