Pi Day

π𝜋 is a constant value of 3.14159265359… but more famously known to be 3.14! Every year on March the 14th, Pi Day is celebrated all around the year! So of course the BHHS community had to be involved!
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, various activities were held in the Quad!
Our promotional poster designed by one of our very talented Year 12, Cindy Xiao!
We had a range of activities along with free party pies given out for victorious attempts and participation!
Recite digits – how many digits can you recite?! We had a student reciting close to 100 digits!!
Pi- word challenge – how many words starting with “pi” can you write in 3 minutes?!
Measuring 31.42grams of water – using a good sense of estimation, can you accurately measure 31.42grams of water in one scoop?
Pointillism art – using Q-tips and paint, creating your own designs using dots!
Thanks to our enthusiastic Maths/Science teachers who ran the activities that made this possible: Shelley Thacker, Ricky Ha, Amanda Ghanem, and Philip Gatti! :)
And of course, the highlight of the Pi Day was the “Pie your teacher” event! This event was organised and run by 6 of our amazing Year 12s: Cindy Xiao, Maneesha Karunasagara, Michelle Woang, Rosie Chan, Bernice Peh, and Mandy Lai.
(L-R) Olivia Barker, Bernice Peh, Daniel Shum, Michelle Woang, Cindy Xiao, Maneesha Karunasagara, Lynette Ng, Rosie Chan, Mandy Lai
Over two days, the group of Year 12s went around asking for teachers to participate, and with such an amazingly spontaneous staff body at BHHS, a whole group of 24 teachers readily said yes!
On top of that, the Year 12 prefects also suggested that this would be a great opportunity to raise funds for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief. Sophia Choy and Michelle Woang both went into extensive research on the organisations and wrote up a comprehensive three-page proposal on the why, who, and how of this fundraising.
With our two Year 12 hosts directing the flow of the event , the “pieing” happened in the second half of lunch:
What some students had to say about Pi Day:
“When Miss Ng came to us for help organising Pi day, we our minds started turning. We want to make this year as memorable as possible and getting the opportunity to organise a BHHS special event that has happened since my Year 7 was so exciting. Of course being Pi day the first thing you’d think of was pie and so we had a strike of genius and knew we had to organise a final chance to pay our love and respects to our favorite teachers. While raising money for the Syria/ Turkey earthquakes, we got to organise a special event that sums up the freedom and celebration that BHHS provides. Thank you so much for all the teachers who volunteered for some good fun!”
Maneesha Karunasagara (12Z)
“My Pi Day Experience
Pi Day- a lively day that brought the whole school community together! I could see the excitement on everyone’s faces during lunchtime, as many attempted the games and challenges, like ‘Who can recall the most digits of pi’. But, of course, the most exhilarating event of the day, was the ‘pie a teacher’ event. This event allowed everyone to buy tickets that went for a good cause, and have a chance to pie their favorite (or sometimes least favorite) teachers. Even for those who didn’t get a chance to pie a teacher, they still enjoyed the pleasure of seeing other teacher’s faces get covered with cream. I was lucky enough to get a chance to pie a teacher, and I can still recall the thrill of aiming the pie at my teacher’s face, and seeing white cream fly everywhere. Overall, pi day was an exciting time for the entire school community to get together for mathsy fun, and I can’t wait to experience it again!”
Anesha Narwal (8Z)
“After purchasing as many tickets possible to help a good cause, I would’ve never expected to have the golden ticket of being able to pie one of my teachers. I would like to thank the teachers who made this possible, the prefects that made this pi-day a hit.”
Tashi Alles (12A)
All in all, a great Maths day with lots of fun and laughter! Thank you to everyone who contributed, as an organiser, a participant or an audience member! And of course, special thanks to our resident photographer, James Taylor (along with his student crew of photographers), who captured all these moments so that it can be shared here. It takes everyone to make a vibrant event! :)
Look forward to next year, as I’m sure we’ve got some teachers really bummed out because they didn’t get “pied”… ;)
By Lynette Ng
Head of Maths