Year 10 Program

We have seen a huge structural change to the year 10 program in 2023 due to the timetabling change in the school. We have shifted from 3 periods every fortnight and alternating weeks, to 1 period every week for every class. This has allowed more consistency and rapport building between students and their programs teacher. The main focus for Term 1 activities has been physical activity, so students have been involved in a variety of different active experiences so far this year:
- Goal ball – students had a go at participating in the paralympic sport of goal ball which is for vision impaired individuals. Wearing blindfolds students worked in teams to try and roll the ball across the other teams goal line – a hard task when you can’t see the ball or the goals!
- Boxing – the lovely people from Murphy’s Boxing Gym in Surrey Hills came out to work the students to help improve their fitness, strength, and agility. Students particularly enjoyed having a go putting the gloves on and working off some energy practicing the different punches into the mitts.
- Indigenous games – students got to experience some different spirting activities to what they have maybe been used to with this activity. They learned about and played a variety of different traditional indigenous games typically played by school aged children.
Looking ahead to Term 2, we are very excited to undertake our Community Service Unit. Students put in their preferences at the start of the year and will get to spend a whole day going out into the community to contribute and make a difference. The types of services they will be participating in include Clean Up Australia Day, working with the local Rotary Club, helping at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary, or working at a local Primary School to assist in running specialist classes or helping out around the school.
By Rebecca Kertes
Year 10 Program Co-ordinator