Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Stacey Bowles (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Inquiry Overview / Camp - Sovereign Hill / 3-6 Electives / Mother's Day activities / Timetables
With a short term ahead of us, we have hit the ground running with getting the kids completing Portfolio tasks and making connections to their previous experiences.
Inquiry during term two, is based around Australian History and the impacts it has had on significant members, cultures and groups in our community. Camp to Sovereign Hill has proven to be very beneficial for all our students in gathering prior knowledge and to be able to make personal connections to what they are learning about. Some of the key questions and understandings that the students will be covering are:
Who were the people who came to Australia? Why did they come?
What contribution have significant individuals and groups made to the development of Australian society?
What impact has this had on indigenous Australians?
Key Understandings:
Changes have causes and effects on society and we can learn from these.
Important people and events, which led to the development of the Australian colonies.
In developing students voice and ownership of their learning, we are offering 3 different focus groups for this inquiry topic. Students had their first sessions last Friday (different to the 3-6 electives) and we went through the end project presentation expectations (1x digital presentation / 1x 2D presentation - poster, map / 1x 3D presentation - diorama, model etc).
The groups are: Change over Time (Miss H), Significant Australians (Mrs Woollard) and Journey to Australia (Miss Bowles).
During week 9, we will be holding an Expo celebration, where families are invited to look over your child's Inquiry work. This will also include viewing the Performing Arts music projects. The Date is still TBC.
CAMP - Sovereign Hill
Camp was during week one which saw our students heading to Sovereign Hill to experience life in the 1850's. Camp was divided into different activities: Eureka Centre, Free time, night activities and the costume school experience. Below, I have split the photos and a basic overview into these sections. Enjoy searching for your child in the photos.
Eureka Centre
Students visited the Eureka Centre to learn about the Eureka Stockade and what occurred during these very important 15min of our Gold Rush history. Students worked in pairs and were given a personality which they had to learn about. These were significant people in the Eureka Stockade campaign.
Sovereign Hill free time
All students were given free time to walk around Sovereign Hill and spend some money (mainly on lollies, raspberry and sour grape drops to be specific) in one of the many shops in the museum. We panned for gold down at the creek and went on two mine tours - Red Hill and the Labyrinth.
Sovereign Hill night entertainment
On Wednesday night we viewed 'Aura, The Sound and Light Show' which was split into 3 sections: 3D presentation - development of Gold and our planets / Light show describing a Dreamtime story / Sound and Light demonstration of the whole Eureka Stockade campaign. On Thursday night we watched a Pantomime in the theatre which was a lot of fun. The kids got involved with producing sound effects as well as being vocal during the actual show.
Sovereign Hill schools
On Thursday and Friday our students got into 1850's costumes and attended school with a teacher who was role playing a very convincible 1850's character. After a short time the students understood the role playing situation that was needed and they fitted in very well. A few adjustments had to made from how the school was set up, how they lined up, the games they played and the activities that they took part in. Majority of the students found they enjoyed the experience with many learning new and exciting things about the 1850's Goldfield Life.
Year 3-6 Electives.
During Week two, our Year 3-6 Electives began. Students are travelling around the school to join with many different students across these year levels. The Year five/six teachers are involved in Palaeontology (Miss H), Calisthenics (Miss Bowles) and No Cooking Cooking (Mrs Woollard). They were a huge success with all kids getting in there and having some fun. Hopefully over the term more photos of the other groups will be shared. Here are a few we took.
Wraps with the little chefs:
Time Lines with our palaeonotolgists.
ThinkUKnow Cyber safe session
On Wednesday we had Peter from the Victorian Police, visit our school to talk about cyber safety. He discussed that as students we are part of different communities (our school, outside of school and online). Respect is the one value that we need over all three. Respect to yourself and respect to others. Students should ensure that their privacy settings are set to 'Private' (only the people you want to see can see - not the general public). One important point that he shared and we all discussed, is that most online platforms are for 13 year olds. Certain games are only appropriate for 13+ as the content and the people you play with / against can all be strangers. During the session we spoke about what information you possibly could be giving others when you take a photo or a video and share it. Some of these things can easily identify you: name, time, school, address, sports team etc. Giving NO information is the best. Peter chatted with the students about the importance of being safe and never ever organising to meet people you have meet online. Don't give your details and share particular information about yourself.
Be Safe. Be RESPECTFUL to yourself.
Mother's Day afternoon
On Thursday 11th of May, our beautiful mothers and special persons were invited to attend an afternoon of fun and activities with their child. In the Year Five / Six area, we completed portraits of each other and framed them with beautiful designs and love hearts as well as providing massage chairs for a peaceful back rub.
We all hope that you all have a relaxing Mother's Day full of time spent with the ones we love the most.
Timetables - Term Two.
Below you will find the base timetable for our five specialist sessions. Please be aware that these times may change due to school activities.
5/6 A
Physical Education: Wednesday 8.50am - 9.40
Science: Tuesday 1:20pm
Performing Arts: Thursday 11:00am
Visual Arts: Thursday 11:50am
Japanese: Thursday 1:20pm
Science: Tuesday 11.50am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Tuesday 2.40pm
Visual Arts: Thursday 11.00am
Japanese: Thursday 11.50am
Science: Tuesday 11am
Visual Arts: Tuesday 1.20pm
Physical Education: Wednesday 1.20pm
Japanese: Thursday 11am
Performing Arts: Thursday 11.50am