Mother's Day Information

Mother's Day Breakfast and Morning Tea.
We will be having a Mothers’ Day Breakfast and Morning tea on Thursday, May 11. The Breakfast, which will be a bbq, pancakes and tea or coffee, is designed for our working mums or significant adult eg Grandma. It will kick off at 7:30am and St Agatha's children and toddlers are welcome to join their mums.
The Morning Tea, which will be croissants, muffins and tea or coffee, will commence at around 9:15am, but the children will not be able to join as they’ll be in class or performing. Foundation to Year 3 students will contribute in some way to an assembly which will coincide with the Morning Tea.
We are asking for donations of eggs, bacon, orange and apple juice. If you able to donate please donate only on Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 May. Juices can be donated earlier.
For catering purposes please respond by Friday May 5.
We ask for Mother's Day Photos to be emailed to by Friday May 5
Please respond to the invite on PAM. There will be no paper copies being sent out.
Mother's Day Choir
All students in Years 3-6 are warmly invited to join our choir!
Next performance: St Agatha’s Mothers’ Day Breakfast and Morning
7:30am Thursday 11 May and
9:15am Thursday 11 May
Please only join if you are able to be at school for this early performance time.
We will rehearse in the 1H classroom on Tuesdays AND Thursdays at RECESS.
THAT MEANS ONLY 3 REHEARSALS but it’s a fun and easy-to-learn song that is bound to give our Mums a laugh.
Can’t wait to see you then,
Ms Howell.