Child Safety

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
The Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy has been updated to reflect practices that encourage student voice. This includes students participating in Class Meetings where they can raise issues that concern them both on the playground and in the classroom. The issues are discussed as a class and the students with their teachers work to find solutions.
Our Child Safe Champion - Mr Doherty will meet with a student representative from each class (Years 3-6) to listen to the issues that had been discussed and their solutions. Mr Doherty can also ask the representatives to take important Child Safety messages back to their classrooms.
Click on the link to read the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy. If any parent would like to discuss the policy or provide input into the processes that surround it, please contact Liam Doherty via
Child Safe Code of Conduct
All staff, visitors, contractors and volunteers must adhere to the Child Safe Code of Conduct. The purpose of this document is to keep our students safe when at school. It is an expectation that visitors, contractors and volunteers read and agree to follow this at all times when at St Agatha's School or when on an excursion.
Please don't forget that anyone visiting the school must have a current Working With Children Check card with them and show this at the time of signing in. Sign in occurs at the front office.