Student Learning 


Foundation students have all been working very hard on their writing. This week they published their first piece of writing.

During class students have been learning new words by sounding them out. We played a fun game matching these new words with pictures. 

Reading stamina is also something we have been working hard on. The Foundation students are now reading and staying engaged for longer and longer in readers workshop. 

Year 1/2

Reading: The students have looked closely at reading with fluency. They recorded themselves on the iPad and critiqued their reading.

Writing: The 1/2s published their narratives this week. They worked extremely hard, and we are so proud of them.

Maths: The students have been learning about time. They made clocks to help them tell the time.

Sport: The students enjoyed getting out on the basketball courts to shoot some hoops and practice their dribbling skills.

Harmony Week: To celebrate Harmony Week the children came dressed in orange and made a hand collage to represent inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians.

Year 3/4

The 34's have been busy publishing their persuasive pieces in Writing. It has been great to see the students discuss and debate a range of topics. 


Kim has used brilliant initiative to write a persuasive piece to Mr Runnalls to convince him to purchase the book "Nim At Sea" for reading. This is proof that if you are willing to give your best EFFORT in what you do, you will be rewarded... Great work, Kim!


Dusty was strong in his belief that AFL should be introduced into the Olympics. Do you think it should be? 


Ms Pfeiffer has been particularly impressed with Tahlia's thinking tracks during reading. Tahlia has not only kept track of her thinking whilst she reads but has been able to expand on her thoughts in the process. Keep it up, Tahlia!

Year 5/6

Students in the 5/6 area have been working hard on their projects this term. Students have been learning about the different wars and were given the choice of presenting a project on one of the wars. Students enjoyed sharing their project after weeks of researching the war they chose.



Following on with this area of study, students have been reading the book ANZAC Biscuits. They have then written a diary entry from the perspective of a student or a child. 

BTN is a great resource for connecting students to the wider world, opening up discussions on current events relevant to their interests. This is often the students favourite time of the week!