Wellbeing Resources
COVID update for Term 2
St Mary’s aligns its practices with Catholic Education Sandhurst which commits to advice provided by the Department of Health;
St Mary’s School Recommendations for positive Covid Cases for Families
- Parents are encouraged to inform the school if your child tests positive to covid and isolate for 5 days or until symptoms subside
- Learning materials can be provided for the isolation period at the parents request
- Staff who test positive are recommended to isolate for 5 days and remain absent from school
- Recorded cases will no longer be shared with the wider school community
- St Mary’s will contact families of children who present at school with symptoms or illness
A Message from our school nurse:
With the colder weather now upon us, many children are experiencing symptoms of the common cold and other viral infections. Whilst your child is sick/ and or infectious we ask that they stay home during the worst of their illness to allow them to recover. This ensures our teachers and community do not fall ill also.
RCH Kids Health Info can provide general advice about symptoms of your child's illness and exclusion periods from school. https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/
School Nurses can also be contacted for any additional information 10:30-2:30, 5 days a week. If you are worried about your child please seek the advice of your GP. Another alternative to seeing your GP is an app called "Instant Consult" in which you can see a doctor using Facetime within minutes.