The leadership style that Jesus taught and modelled was neither about command and control, nor status and power. He did not teach techniques, but grew character - a character centred on a Christ-like servant heart.
This week, our Year 12 House Captains reflected true servant leadership characteristics when they met, before school, with the younger House Vice Captains from Years 7-11. Their meeting agendas and minutes show that these young leaders are not only connecting with others and collaborating on relevant issues and initiatives, they are also giving our younger students a voice in creating their own positive learning environments on campus. Whilst our younger students are learning to be brave and use the power of their student voices, our older students are learning compassion and patience as they develop gentle and encouraging leadership skills that reflect Jesus’ mission on earth.
This week, our Staff Wellbeing Committee met to discuss a number of initiatives to support the wellbeing needs of our teaching and support staff. Without a doubt, our staff are our richest resource, though research indicates that the generous, student-centred profession of teaching often leaves educators neglecting their own wellbeing needs to passionately provide for the needs of their students.
This year, Sacred Heart College will roll out a number of activities and programs to support staff health and wellbeing and enable them to continue to be the dedicated servants of the College they truly are. Truth be known, our students are our greatest energisers and our wellbeing, when balanced, is built on our daily interactions in the classroom with the students we teach. Our students' resilience, generosity and creativity is the life force of our teaching days.
During Extended PCG yesterday, our whole school gathered to celebrate the performance skills and talents of our students in our inaugural House competition: Sacred Heart's Got Talent.
With the Koort Centre filled to the brim with our students resplendent in their many House coloured shirts, the event gave students an opportunity to collaborate in House groups, with each performance needing representation from at least three year groups.
From Barlow’s romantic heartfelt ballad to Thu Duc’s electrifying Grease number, our students entertained their peers and staff and contributed generously to the College’s Cultural Pillar. What impressed staff most was the courage displayed by the students who performed in front of over 1,400 peers - whilst many were novices with tambourines thrust in their hands only days before, they all displayed our Core Value of Courage, with the audience also showing great Compassion and Respect for each performance.
Below are some of our House Captains' thoughts:
I think Sacred Heart's Got Talent was a success as it allowed the newer students at the College or even older ones to showcase their abilities to the whole school. - Mitchell Rowley, Trinity House Captain
With our Core Value of Courage on display, the performers really embraced the Sacred Heart’s Got Talent event in House groups yesterday! Nothing makes us Year 12 House Captains happier than seeing the school get involved and be the performers' biggest cheerleaders! - Ella Giles, Barlow House Captain
Sacred Heart’s Got Talent was an amazing House event set up by the House Coordinators and other staff at the College that allowed the school to come together and celebrate the Spirit of the Houses. After so many years of not being able to have this event, it was fabulous to see everyone getting involved and having fun. - Audrey Nguyen, O’Reilly House Captain
Sacred Heart's Got Talent was an exponentially enticing experience. There was a real sense of unity and it was indicative from the communal expression and enthusiasm of the Sacred Heart community. There was an evident display of the school’s Core Values of Compassion, Courage and Respect, both displayed by the performers and the crowd. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and House pride/Spirit. It was great to see so many people get involved as well as having the bravery to perform in front of such a large group of people. I personally felt proud of my fellow Sacred Heart College peers for stepping out of their comfort zone. Inclusivity was present in the event as students from different year groups came together and performed as one, even though it may have been their first time meeting each other. - Ella Holmes, Kimberley House Captain
As Sorrento’s gardens and bushlands soak up the recent rain with much relief after the heat and bushfires of the summer, I hope you and your families have an opportunity to rest, recover and nurture your own wellbeing on the weekend.
Mrs Sandra Manning
Deputy Principal - Community