A Tribute to Jacob

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the sudden death of Kurunjang Secondary College student, Jacob Cheung Pun. We extend our deepest sympathy to Jacob's family and friends at this difficult time. 

Grief is a personal experience and as such people will react differently – we ask that you be guided by your own child’s needs. If your child is obviously distressed, we would encourage you to listen to them and provide comfort and reassurance where possible.


There are a range of wellbeing support options for all students, including student wellbeing officers, social workers, a chaplain, school nurse, provisional psychologist and our mental health practitioner. To ensure your child support, please alert your house team who will be able to assist with a referral or contact the school to discuss with our team.  If you feel your child needs more assistance than you can provide, please do not hesitate to seek further help and a referral from a health professional such as your GP.  


Additional support is available through: 

* Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 or kidshelpline.com.au 

* Parentline: 13 22 89 or parentline.com.au