Middle Unit -2/3

In The Classroom

In Writing, the students have been learning about letter writing. They have been looking at the structure of a letter and how to revise it to make it more engaging for the reader. Students have written a letter to their future teacher and have included information they would like their teacher to know about them such as interest, goals, family and much more. This week the students have been writing letters to their families, so be sure to keep an eye out for a letter this week.


In Reading, the students have begun writing book reviews, on a picture story book of their choice. They have had to summarise the story, identify characters, discuss their most treasured moments in the book and give it a rating out of 5. 


In Maths, the students have been enjoying doing rotation activities during the session. They have been working in pairs or small groups revising maths concepts taught throughout the year through engaging activities and iPads.

In Science, the students have continued to monitor and record how their plants are changing over time. Sadly our plant in the cupboard is no longer growing and the students have identified that their plants need sunlight to survive. The students are also very excited for our zoo excursion on Monday and have been researching the animals they will see at the zoo. 


Zoo Excursion

The Middle Unit students are all excited for the zoo excursion on Monday 5th of December. Here is a list of what students and parent volunteers will need to bring to the excursion.

  • School hat
  • Drink bottle
  • Packed lunch (plastic free)
  • Backpack (preferably a small backpack or school bag)

Students will be carrying their backpacks all day so please ensure they are not too heavy and everything is labelled. 

Please be on the netball courts at 8.45am. 

If you have any questions please contact your student's classroom teacher. 

Year 2/3 Teachers

Deb Shepherd/Caitlin Hanks, Libby Tobin, Louise Safstrom/Kerrin Felini, 

Lyndsay Adamson, Libby Cannon