Senior Unit - 5/6


This week the students have begun to publish their imaginative/fantasy stories. They have been working very hard on their stories for the last few weeks using the ‘Writing Process’ which includes, Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing and Publishing. Throughout the year, the students have focused on each individual element of the Writing Process, strengthening their abilities and in turn, improving the overall readability of their stories.

Please see below a selection of the students’ front covers from their picture story books. 


With graduation just around the corner on the 14th of December, parents and students alike are beginning to come to their teachers full of questions.

Below is an outline of the evening, specifics have been kept to a minimum in order to keep the ‘WOW Factor’.


Students will arrive at the Vic Hotel in Woodend at 5:50pm for a 6pm dinner (parents do not attend the dinner). Once finished, students will walk back with their teachers to school, arriving at approximately 7:15pm. We ask parents to meet the students at the blue fence at the front of the school at this time. There will be a musical number at this point which will make its way up to the Hall (with parents following). Once at the courtyard in front of the hall, parents will again be entertained with a second musical number. Parents will be asked to be seated within the hall so that the ceremony can commence at 7:30pm.


Please Note:

We ask students not bring a phone to dinner, as in previous years they have served as a bit of a distraction. There will be time before dinner for photo opportunities out the front of the pub and plenty of time after the graduation for the students to take photos with each other.  I hope you can appreciate that the dinner is a time for the students to interact with one another and enjoy a meal, rather than having their head in their phones. 


Also, due to the seating capacity of the hall. We are asking that students invite 2 adults to the graduation ceremony. Please contact Mr. Spilsted: if you would like to discuss the possibility of bringing any extra adults. 

Year 5/6 Teachers

Nathan Spilsted, Kat Harrap, Jad Geer/Ashleigh Dodds, Courtney Lawrence, 

Mark Condon