Learning and Teaching

Italian News


This term in Italian we have been focusing on the theme Natale (Christmas). 


Prep One Two students have been learning a Christmas Carol in Italian and reading the picture book L’albero di Natale. Using these we have been creating a Christmas tree displaying the new vocabulary. The students have also been making connections to how they celebrate Christmas with their families compared to the family in the text and Italian traditions.


The grade 3/4 children are also learning a Christmas Carol in Italian and translating it. They have also created wonderings about Christmas Traditions in Italy and are now completing research to answer these questions using various sources.


The Grade 5/6 learners are working hard on a Christmas Research Project and have created a rubric with criteria as a year level. Students are researching religion, music, food and celebrations around Christmas in Italy, Australia and a country of choice. They will compare and contrast and then present their findings to their peers.


Later in the term students will have the opportunity to try Panettone, a traditional Italian Christmas Cake, to celebrate a wonderful term of learning.