Exams & Reporting
Exam & Reports
Year 7-10 Exams
Semester 1 exam period for Year's 7 -10 is under way! Well done to all of the students who have been revising and working hard in the lead up to their semester exams.
All year 7- 10 students will have compulsory class exams in weeks 9 and 10 of term. 7-9 exams will be held in classrooms, whilst year 10 exams will be held in a common space and run in blocks.
Students will have individual timetables. All timetables are able to be viewed here.
To support your child, please ensure that they are revising at home in preparation for the examination period.
In preparation for exams, it is important to have conversations with your child to ensure that they understand which concepts they should be revising, and are well prepared ahead of these exams. The scores from these exams are included in the Semester 1 reports, so students should approach their revision studies and exam period with their best efforts.
If students do require additional support, they are welcome to attend Homework Club which runs after school from Monday to Thursday inside the library (between 3:15 pm and 4:00 pm). Alternatively, students from years 7, 8 & 9 can also attend Junior Tutoring sessions for Maths and English. In these sessions students have the opportunity to work one on one with teachers and student mentor tutors. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to seek additional support with their revision ahead of their exams. Junior Tutoring runs every Tuesday between 3:15 pm and 4:00 pm. Maths tutoring can be found in C2, and English tutoring is located in M6. Students can either see their teacher to be booked in to Homework Club or Junior Tutoring, but they are also welcome to just attend on the day.
Year 11 and 12
There are no mid-year external examinations for year 11 and 12 students. However, some testing will be held in class time as we change units to best prepare them for end of year exams. Year 11 and 12 students are required to sit formal end of year exams.
Year 12's will also need to be available during week 1 of the September school holidays for practice exams and extra classes.
All Staughton students will be receiving end of semester reports soon. Teachers are currently reflecting on student achievements and finalising marks from the Term. It's important that students are up to date with all of their classwork, assessment tasks, and attendance. Please speak to your teachers to find out if you owe any work or need to make up attendance after school. Please also ensure that your information is up to date with the front office to ensure you receive the reports when they are sent home.