Chipping Away at Plastic Pollution @ CSC

 The 23rd July 2019 was a momentous morning for Cheltenham Secondary College and its Environment Team, with the elimination of plastic cutlery at the school’s canteen.


It was perfect timing during “PLASTIC FREE JULY”. This has been something that the Environment Team has been working towards for 4 years and it has finally happened! YAY!


To achieve this significant event, there was a Soup Day fundraiser for CSC staff. This involved making pumpkin soup from the organic pumpkins grown in the Year 9 CONNECT garden. 



The money raised enabled the team to purchase the 1000  bamboo sporks to exchange for the 1000 pieces of plastic cutlery.   


The Environment Team has always been concerned about littering at this school so this is a major achievement in our long term goal of eradicating the damaging single-use plastics at our school. We know that so much of street litter ends up in our bay. We must do all we can!


Next, we will be coming for the plastic containers!  



All welcome! Our next meeting is Tuesday 27th August. See you there!!




Magdalena Drpic            

Environment Team Leaders








Elif Ives

Enfironmental Team Leader