Helpful Information and Employment Opportunities

Everyday helpful school advice, right at your fingertips!

Student Absences

Parents/Guardians are required to inform the College if your child/children are absent from school by 9.00am via PAM or by phoning the school on 5382 3545. 

Pleaese be sure to disclose if your child has COVID is or a close family contact of someone with COVID. Thank you for your support.



Student Achievements

We love to hear and celebrate our student's achievements and to share their success with our College Community. Please email details and/or photos to 




Student Safety

We have received a concern from a neighbour to say cars are parking in their drive way during pick up and drop off times, restricting their access. Also, students who walk along Hopkins St, cut across their property. Can I ask that you consider a safe and legal drop off for your children if you drop them off across from the stadium and that student pedestrians use the footpath. Ideally, students should be dropped off and collected on the St Brigid’s College side of Robinson St, so they do not need to cross the busy road. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Thank you!

We'd like to say a huge thank you to all the families who have sent in donations of new and unused small toiletry items to go to the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project.

A special thanks to our extended family over at SMJ Horsham who have also been helping us to collect contributions. So far we have collected over 21kg of small toiletries!!

We have been overwhelmed by the support for this initiative and we will continue to collect them throughout Term 4.

Thank you all so much!