


During Term 3, the prep students have continued focusing on retelling and sequencing a fairytale. They have learnt to identify the main characters in the story (who), where the story happened (setting) and retold at least two key events from the story in the correct order following the structure of the beginning, middle and end. 


Students have continued learning about making predictions on a text. They have used text clues such as pictures to help assist and prompt them with making a guess about what the story may be about or what might happen next. They have also used their prior knowledge to discuss what they already knew about a topic before reading a text to encourage them with making predictions.


Furthermore, the students have engaged in inferring characters feelings using text clues and their prior knowledge, as well as, making connections to the text and/or character.



In Writing, students have continued their work on writing about a recount on an experience that has already happened and have utilised the elements of who, what, when and where.


The students have learnt how to write a narrative, focusing on retelling narratives they have been exposed to during reading sessions. They have used these skills to develop and write their own narratives including a beginning, middle and end.






In Mathematics this term, Prep students continued to engage in the 100 Days of School routine. This included keeping track of each school day until students reached 100 days. Some ways of tracking the days included, using a 100 ‘s chart, counting icy pole sticks, marking a blank 100’s frame and marking a calendar. We were able to reach the 100 days of school mark in Week 3 and celebrated excitedly as a cohort dressing up to the theme of 100.


Throughout the term, students have learnt about three topics which included number sense, capacity and addition and subtraction. During the number sense topic, students focused on connecting the name and numeral  for numbers up to 20.  During the unit on capacity, students identified objects that could hold more or hold less and compared them to see which object held more or less. During the addition and subtraction unit, students learnt how to add and subtract to find the total. 




In Inquiry, students engaged in understanding their family history, including identifying members of their family, their cultural traditions and the ways different cultures are shown. The key concepts covered this term were identity and culture, our place in the world and who we are. The key understandings that have been addressed are sharing and reflecting on personal histories and cultures to reflect on who we are, and understanding Dreamtime stories help describe the creation and cultural history of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. Through these understandings, key questions have also be covered. These include:

  • What is my history/my story? How do I know?
  • What are cultural traditions?
  • What are some of my own traditions that I celebrate?
  • What are the different ways that we show our culture to others? 




Throughout Term 3, the Preps have been introduced to the Physical Science strand of Science and have been learning about movement. Students have practised different movements using their own bodies, such as jumping, hoping, rolling and crawling. They have also been investigating how toys and objects move, such as rolling, bouncing, spinning and sliding.


Students have demonstrated their learning through various activities which have included dancing and moving in different ways, sorting and grouping tasks, and carrying out investigation. Students especially enjoyed the ‘investigating rolling’ experiment where they put objects on a ramp to investigate which objects rolled easily! Well done on a fabulous Term 3 in Science!


















LOTE - Chinese

During Term 3 in Prep, students learnt how to pronounce different animals in Chinese. This included tadpole, frog, panda, duck, goose, fish, bunny, and dinosaur. They watched and listened to traditional Chinese fairy tales, such as Where is my mama? This is also known as ‘little tadpoles are looking for their mum’.


 Some traditional Chinese games and other games they know have been combined into the learning. These games/activities included ‘Duck Duck Goose’ which is similar to the Chinese game ‘Throw the handkerchief’, origami paper folding and bunny hop dance.





The Preps have had an excellent term experimenting and discovering in the art room. We have been learning about good collaboration - sharing ideas, asking questions, and building on each other’s ideas to create impressive artwork together! It has been encouraging as the students develop greater confidence and independence in their creative process. This growth has involved planning and executing original and imaginative ideas. The Preps have worked with materials including paints, wool, felt, feathers, craft paper, decorative tiles, and so much glitter!


We began the term by reading artist Bronwyn Bancroft’s brightly illustrated text, Colours of Australia. The students then painted whole class banners, considering where we see colours in the places we spend time and that are important to us. Following this, we worked with First Nations artist and Melton local Lucy Webster. Lucy shared symbols found in Aboriginal art, as well as some of their possible meanings. The students explored these through drawing and kinetic sand.


Leading concepts to our learning this term have been building, improving, and celebrating. We will finish Term 3 with activities that provide opportunities for feedback and showcasing work that we are proud of. I have been delighted to see the artwork you have created this term Preps. Thank you for your creative efforts. I cannot wait to spend more time learning and making together next term!



















This term, the grade prep students continued to learn about how to move their bodies and regulate these movements. The students added dodging and leaping to the skills learnt during Semester 1. They completed tasks using ICT and using interactive videos to showcase their ability to complete these movements. Students also worked on jumping, skipping, hopping, and running and were able to complete these movements through different obstacles. 


They were put through an obstacle course to showcase all these skills. We also continued to engage all students in class games to help teach students to follow rules and instructions in a game setting. The students then spent the second half of the term developing the fundamental motor skill of striking, using a tennis racket and tennis ball. Students were asked to hit a ball with the racket and show their ability to strike an object. It was a wonderful Term 3 for the grade preps. The students had fun and enjoyed all the tasks during the term. I look forward to working with each of the student for the final term of the year.