Year 1 News

Victoria Robinson, Stephanie Webster, Marcia Skinner

Room 16b


Over the past four weeks, students in Room 16b have been exploring the writing genre of poetry. Their amazing use of describing words has been used in writing similes, Haiku and Acrostic poems. 



After researching the habitat and diet of selected African animals, students applied their knowledge and understanding and problem solved in groups to build dioramas for their selected animals. 


Students have been exploring a style of abstract art called Cubism that was made famous by Pablo Picasso, a famous Spanish artist from the 20th century. This style uses geometric shapes, lines, and colours that reflect mood. The focus of the student's art was portraits. 

Students started by copying examples of eyes, noses, and mouths. They then ventured into drawing face shapes and used their previously learnt skills to create their first abstract portraits. 


After viewing other portraits by Pablo Picasso and seeing one created, they drew their own. 

Their final project required students to cut and paste facial features to create portrait collage. 


Room 17

This term we have been learning all about MONEY in Room 17! We have looked at the coins and noticed that each coin has a different picture on the front. We also learnt that dollars have a higher value than cents. It was fascinating that as the value of notes increase, the length of the notes do as well. We wonder when the new picture of the King will be on the back of the coins! To learn all about money, we have been playing games in small groups. We love learning through rotations.  


To celebrate Diwali, we used coloured salt to decorate our class rangoli. Some children loved sprinkling the coloured salt, using our accurate fine motor skills to make sure we don’t spread the colours. This has been displayed on the glass door in Room 17. Happy Diwali! 

Room 18

Wow! What a busy time we have been having in Room 18. Over the past few weeks, we have been learning a lot about maths concepts, persuasive writing, and doing lots of hands on activities to help us learn. We have celebrated the new King Charles 11, went shopping at the market stall, had fun with our book week characters, wore crazy hair to school and also celebrated Diwali. So much fun!