Principal's Report

Carly Avery

Dear Parents and Friends,


Term four already, the year is flying by! A big term for our Year 6 students as they begin their last term of primary school. We have had a great start to the term with Footy Clinics and today our 5/6 students are selling products at the Social Enterprise Market Stall. I congratulate all these students and Mark Butters for the work they have put in over the year preparing for today.


A reminder that this term we will be trialing moving to a fortnightly newsletter. Dates and important notices can be found on PAM, term curriculum newsletters will continue to be sent home, with class weekly emails. In our Parent Engagement section you will find a guide to the what, who, and how of communication at St. Joseph’s.


Staffing Updates

It is with mixed feelings that I share the news of Mark Butters taking a year’s leave. Hannah has applied to join the police force, which means training in Melbourne. Whilst we will certainly miss Mark, Harry, and Leo, this is a great opportunity and we will look forward to their return!

We will be advertising for a replacement from this Friday.


School Production

Jane Sartori, our Performing Arts Teacher, has been working hard with each class this year to prepare students for our upcoming production of ‘Plastic Is Not Fantastic’. This production is student-driven with ideas, lines, actions, props, and costumes. More information will be sent home next week regarding ticket purchases.

Venue: Marion College (MPAC)

Time: 6:00pm

Date: Wednesday 26th October

Tickets: $15 per family of 4 or $5 per person



Yesterday you will have received information regarding our Term Four fundraiser. Thanks to the Beechworth Brewery who is generously supporting us with selling a range of products. Please contact the office if you have any queries.



Save the date

Friday 18th November!

School disco from 6:00 pm.

This is a family event, all children will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Sausage sizzle and soft drinks will be available for a gold coin donation.


Term Three Climate Survey

The purpose of this short survey is to understand what the general level of satisfaction within the School Community currently is; what we are doing well, and where we can improve. The survey is a general check-in as to what the overall feeling is around the school. 

I strongly urge you to participate in the next one, thanks to those parents who have already had a chance to fill in. It is only 4 questions and takes around 10 mins. 


Christmas Appeal - 'It's in the Bag'

Please help to spread the joy this Christmas and donate to "It's in the Bag" this October/November. "It's in the Bag" is one of Australia's most loved Christmas appeals, where everyday Australians are encouraged to put together bags filled with essential items to donate to someone in need for Christmas. We want to ensure that women and girls who are waking up in a domestic violence refuge or homeless shelter on Christmas, feel a little bit of love and hope.

At St. Joseph's we are asking each grade to bring the following.


Foundation - toothbrush.

Grade 1 - toothpaste

Grades 2/3 - soap

Grade 4 - small packets of tissues (6 per pack)

Grades 5/6 - roll on deodorant.


If each child brings one item we will have enough to fill 30 bags. The bags have already been purchased and we have already received some donations from another source. 

Please bring your item to school before Friday 28th October so that we can make up the bags and give them to the Salvation Army.

Thank you, Linda and Irene.


Icy poles

Icy poles are starting this Friday at lunchtime.

they will cost -50C

Funds go to the Mary & Brigid Group donation box.