Career News

Tertiary Education Information

Term 4

Year 12 TAFE and University applicants - there are still opportunities to connect with institutions before Change of Preference. Please keep an eye on our Newsletters and if you can’t see something you’re looking for, check the Tertiary Education websites.


Finally, you can make your own arrangements to visit an institution on a weekend, even if you just need to familiarise yourself with a campus. It's a good idea to take the form of transport to the venue that you will be using next year. Make it a dress rehearsal, so that you can make better decisions about where you want to be in 2023.

Career News 

Each week Career News presents new information to help all students become better informed and more confident about their pathway decisions. It doesn't matter what year level students are currently in, this resource will always be useful. 


There are snapshots of university offerings, news from the institutions, information sessions, and focus articles on occupations, apprenticeships, and much more. We encourage you to read the newsletter and have some rich conversations with the young people in your family. 


As school holidays approach, institutions are offering more information sessions and workshops. Open days begin in late July. There are many opportunities, so keep checking Career News!


Please contact our qualified careers practitioners, for more information:


Mr Phil Newnham 

Ms Jessie Dennison