Year 12 Celebrations

Year 12 Celebrations

Valedictory Dinner 

Wed 16 November

This year we have booked a new venue for our Valedictory Dinner, the San Remo Ballroom in Nicholson Street, Carlton. It has just been refurbished and we are confident this new and sophisticated venue will be a great place to farewell our graduating students of 2022 in style! 


Tickets are now open for purchase through Trybooking and must be purchased by Fri 14 October:

Final Assembly & Colour Run Tue 18 October

All Year 12 students (VCAL and VCE) will have their last assembly during Period 4 on Tue 18 Oct, followed by a colour run on the oval!  This will mark the countdown to the Year 12's last day on Friday!

Special Last Day of Year 12 

Fri 21 October - Parents Invited

Our year 12 students will have a very special last day of school, with special events throughout the day to ensure they can farewell their peers, their teachers, and their parents.


We know how engaged parents are at the beginning of their child’s schooling life, I remember going to each of my own children’s first day of prep and then being invited for a ‘tissues and tears’ morning tea. 


This year, we are inviting all our Year 12 parents to come to their child’s final assembly at school where our senior school students, parents and staff will formally farewell them.  Parents are asked to please save the date. 


Please note the schedule for the day:

10am: Year 12 Students arrive at school

12:15pm: Parents of Year 12 Arrive/Assembly

2pm: Red Carpet Finale


Following the assembly, the Principal Team are inviting parents for ‘light refreshments’ (with tissues on hand if needed) while the Year 12 students will spend time with just their cohort, playing some music and having a more informal assembly with their Year Level Leaders. 


Our Year 12s will be invited to make their final exit from school down the red carpet…


Carrie Wallis

Assistant Principal