Year Two

Communicating with the Year Two Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Julie Hall (Class 2A)
Stacey Bowles (Class 2B)
Welcome back to Term Four! We have a very exciting Term Four planned and are looking forward to spending the remainder of 2022 with these amazing Grade Two students!
This term our Inquiry unit is 'Land and Sky'. During this unit students will investigate the changes that occur in the sky (including night and day) and why these changes occur. They will also explore seasonal changes to the landscape and how daily and seasonal changes affect everyday life. Students will learn how the Earth’s resources are used in a variety of ways. They are introduced to the Earth’s water cycle through scientific inquiry. Students will investigate how water is managed in their local community and the ways individuals, families, groups and communities can work together to care for and improve their environment. We have an exciting Incursion taking place on Friday 28th October that will further explore the topic.
Students had a fun time tracing their partners shadow on the basketball court to explore to movement of the sun. We then visited our shadows throughout the day to see how the shadows had moved and changed.
In reading we are reading the Roald Dahl novel 'George's Marvellous Medicine'. We are reading two chapters each week as a class and completing different activities independently linked to the chapter. These activities are part of a novel study task that students are completing.
In writing we are focussing on persuasive texts. We have begun revising the text features of a persuasive, reading different persuasive texts and looking at the difference between a fact and an opinion. Students will be working towards writing their own persuasive piece about their favourite season.
Take Home Readers and Spelling Books
As part of InitiaLit-2, students have free-choice of short and extended chapter books to take home and read. Year Two students are able to choose readers from school to take home and read nightly. Students in Year Two are also free to choose books from home to read each night if they wish. Students who choose their readers on a Monday are required to return them the following Monday. After reading, please record the name of the book and the length of time reading in the student diary for the day.
InitiaLit-2 suggests students practice spelling words at home each week. These spelling words will reinforce the words used in the classroom program. Instructions for the Spelling book are on the front cover of the Spelling book.
Thank you to those families that have sent along a box of tissues to be used in your child's classroom. We would love for you to consider sending one in if you are yet to do so.
Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes. * These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *
2A | 2B |
Visual Arts: Wednesdays 1.00pm Performing Arts: Wednesdays 2:30pm PE: Thursdays 2:30pm Japanese: 1.20pm (odd weeks) | Performing Arts: Wednesdays 1:00pm Visual Arts: Wednesdays 2:30pm PE: Thursdays 1:00pm Japanese: Thursdays 2.30pm (odd weeks) |