Year Five/ Six

Communicating with the Year Five/Six Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2022, and welcome your input:
Llewela Humphries (Class 56A)
Melissa Woollard (Class 56B)
Zoe Overdyk (Class 56C)
What will you find in this issue:
Inquiry Overview / English Overview / Maths Overview
Camp - Campaspe Downs.
Specialist timetable
INQUIRY Overview - Term Four
Students conduct personal investigations into places of interest on a global scale. They describe and explain the diverse characteristics of these selected places, and the interconnections between people in different places.
Students record and represent geographical data and the location of places and their characteristics in different forms, including large-scale and small-scale maps that use cartographic conventions of border, source, scale, legend, title and north point.
Where are our global places of interest located?
What are these places/countries like?
How are we connected to these places?
How are they different to Australia?
What are some factors that influence people’s awareness and opinion of places?
Key Understandings:
Location and descriptions of major countries / continents of Europe, North America and Asia in relation to Australia.
Differences in the demographic, economic, social and cultural characteristics of countries across the world.
Factors that influence people’s awareness and opinion of places.
ENGLISH Overview - Term Four
Writing in Term 4 has been structured to allow our Year Six students the opportunity to complete a scrapbooking activity we have named 'Reflections'. In this task, students have spent their sessions writing about their time as a student at Upwey South Primary School. They will reflect on each year level and focus on a text type we have studied throughout the year, this will allow us to complete formative assessment of their writing, spelling, punctuation and editing skills.
Once these reflections have been created, year six students will then be gifted a special book to present their memories. They can take these with them at the end of the year as a gift from the school.
Year Five students will be following the same text type structure each week, however they will be crafting a gift they can give to someone in the format of a book. The Year Five published books will cover a variety of topics and follow the same text type format as the senior students.
During our Reading sessions we are studying the novel The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, written by C.S. Lewis. This is our class novel with the teacher leading the chapter reading and students are completing the chapter. A copy of the book has been uploaded in our Google Classroom folders. Students have been encouraged to find a hard copy and bring into class to use.
Over the year all year five and six students have learnt many different comprehension skills / strategies. These skills are being applied throughout each week and will presented in our Term Four Portfolio task.
Year Six students have already begun writing and preparing their speeches for graduation later in the term. Over the coming weeks, they will revise and rehearse the speeches to ensure they feel confident on the night. Our Year Fives have been visiting their Foundation buddies regularly and have worked on being clear communicators to ensure our junior students are supported when completing activities. It has also been nice to see relationships being formed while they share lunch together. This activity has proven to be a real confidence booster for not only our Foundation students, but also our emerging school leaders for 2023.
Teachers have been having conversations with the year fives about potential leadership positions that will be on offer next year. Some of these positions will be advertised towards the end of Term 4 so that elections can take place and the 2023 school year can commence with school captains.
Stay tuned for more information......
MATHS Overview - Term Four
CAMP - Campaspe Downs
WOW! What a spectacular time we had this week!
The weather was sensational and once again tricked us. We prepared for mud and rain, yet each day was clear blue skies and all activities were able to run smoothly.
There was rock climbing, abseiling, orienteering and more. We walked until our feet hurt and laughed just as hard. We got wet, dirty and tired. We ate an abundance of nutritious food, drank a lot of water and went to bed every single night with full tummies. We stayed up chatting in our cabins until late into the night, but most importantly, we made memories with our friends that will last a lifetime.
Many of our students stepped up to the challenge by choice philosophy and went well outside of their comfort zones. As teachers we were proud of the teamwork, determination and persistence shown by all our students while away from home.
Thankyou to our parent helpers Rowan, Nick, Rohan and Donna. You all worked tirelessly to ensure our students received the very best care. We couldn't have done it without you.
Thankyou to Mr Kitch for coming up to visit us and thank you to Ms Humphries and Mrs Woollard and Ms Overdyk for taking time away from their families to help run what was a fantastic camp.
5/6 A
Visual Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Performing Arts: Thursday 9:00am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 11:30am
Japanese: Thursday 1:00pm (even weeks)
Visual Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 10:30am
Health & Physical Education: Wednesday 9:00am
Japanese: Thursday 11:50am (even weeks)
Visual Arts:Thursday 9:00am
Performing Arts: Tuesday 11:30am
Health & Physical Education: Tuesday 10:30am
Japanese: Thursday 11:10am (even weeks)