Welcome to 2023
Welcome to 2023
Welcome Back!
We are excited to welcome all students to learning onsite at St Joseph's for 2023.
This newsletter is intended to give you the information needed to be ready to return to school tomorrow WEDNESDAY 1st FEBRUARY at 8.55 am.
Staff have been working hard to prepare classrooms for the return to school.
We have been supported in this by Catholic Education Sandhurst, Bay Building and Mundie Constructions who have worked tirelessly to make sure we have what we needed to open onsite tomorrow.
This afternoon we are open for families, between 2.00pm - 3.15pm, that would like to come along and have a look at our spaces and the meet the teachers.
Entry to the school is via Campaspe St only:
We have four classrooms ready for learning - Grades F, 1/2 and 3/4 AR will be in these rooms, the library will be ready very soon and the teachers are using the room with the YELLOW door as a staffroom.
Grades 3/4MM will be in the Parish Centre and Grades 5/6 will be learning in the portable classrooms. Children learning in these buildings will access them from the grassed area at school.
All staff will be available to support the children to find their classroom on Wednesday morning.
What to bring to school:
Sports Days
Sports Days for all children will be Wednesday and Friday every week.
Children are required to wear sports uniform and shoes on Wednesday and Friday.
Break times
Break 1 will be from 11.00am - 11.40am.
Break 2 will be from 1.40pm - 2.10pm.
We hope this supports our children that don't eat much during the day because they just want to play when outside. Staff that were at OLSH last year found that flipping eating time during breaks, supported the children that needed time to reset before returning to the classroom. It also gave staff an opportunity to connect with children before they return to class.
Fruit breaks will also be a part of the classroom routine at 10.00am and 12.40pm. Please make sure children have plenty of food in their lunchboxes as they return to school. I am sure many have spent the last 6 weeks grazing all day!
Lunch orders will begin next week
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us! Your child's class teacher should be the first point of call, however, I am always available to support you, your child /children and family.
Just drop by the office or call when needed.
Best wishes for a successful 2023!