Secondary 9/10

9/10 A
The students in 9/10 A have had another busy and incredible term. In Discovery, the students have continued learning about the impacts of natural disasters, specifically the impacts of a flood and a bushfire on people, animals and places. The students visited the Collingwood Children’s Farm to discuss how the farm animals and their enclosures were impacted from the recent flooding.
The students have been working on their writing to include conjunctions and using a checklist to make sure they have included information to expand their sentences. They have continued to work on their letter-sound knowledge in blending and segmenting words in reading and to help with their writing of words. In maths, the students have been using a visual template and materials to solve subtraction problems and 2-digit addition problems with and without regrouping.
It has been a jam-packed term full of learning, new experiences, making connections and exploring the world around us. We were able to get out in the community and explore firsthand the impacts floods have on local farms, waterways and animals and farmers crops to the food we buy at Coles. Students explored different ways we can help after a natural disaster and learnt about charities and what they can do to help. As our final project, students designed and created posters that encapsulated their learning about causes and impacts of Natural Disasters and demonstrated the ways in which they helped either by donating money to a charity or collecting clothing for a local op shop.
We’ve had lots of great success in the classroom with our Science based activities this term. We looked at how a vortex is formed as a major weather event and students followed instructions to make their own mini tornado in a bottle, to also, designing a rescue boat that could hold the most marbles and return safely without sinking. Highlights of this term have been cuddling the sheep at Collingwood Children’s Farm, feeding the chickens at Ceres and building bug shelters to crossing the suspension bridge at Wombat Bend and observe and compare the fast-flowing water of before and after a flood, to the hands on STEAM activities at Dream city.
9/10 C
In 9/10C we have been focusing on teamwork. We have loved working with a range of students to complete different activities, such as dehydrating fruit to make ‘space food’. A perfect day out to the beach was completed with yummy fish and chips overlooking the ships in Port Melbourne. Our highlight of the year was running different stalls at the 9/10 section market, including Mario Kart races and a nail salon. Thank you for such an incredible year and I can’t wait to see how you all grow and mature over the next few years!
It’s been a very busy term here in 9/10D! We have explored how technology invented for space exploration has been manipulated for use on Earth. This included growing plants in unusual circumstances, spending time discovering how astronauts eat and the way being in space affects their sense of taste. We have spent time joining in with other classes to do joint learning, including a ‘Taskmaster Challenge Day’ where each class came up with a set of challenges that other students had to complete. Favourites included the ‘Bring Sally Up Squat Challenge’ and ‘Complete a Painting of Cath or Chris Using Only a Feather’!
A highlight of the term was our trip to Hoyts, where we watched a movie to support our learning on reviews. We worked hard for our end of year Concord Community Concert and Market, making our signature heat packs and tote bags to raise money for the 9/10 section, and finally had our epic beach day where the students stunned us yet again with their maturity, responsibility and kindness. I’m so proud of 9/10D and the way they have grown together as a class. They support and help one another and each aims to be the best they can be!
In Term 1, 9/10E made a commitment -
We are kind
We are respectful
We work hard
We are a team
We are resilient
Term 4 has certainly allowed us to lean into our commitment and excel! We headed to the movies and proved what responsible and respectful citizens we are. We created our own rice paper roll recipe and tested it out. We have written honest and respectful reviews about foods, places, classes and experiences.
On Tuesday, our section held a special section challenge and Athletics day. The students organised the whole event from picking which activities to run and scheduling each class, to running the event itself. Our activities were ‘Bubble in the Hoop, ‘Cups of Fun’ (tic tacs) and ‘Ball in the Bucket’ Challenges.
In English, we read the book ‘City of Ember’. The students really enjoyed unpacking the themes, vocabulary and features of the graphic novel. They followed the characters as they unlocked an ancient mystery to find a better world for the people of Ember.
Our grand finale celebration this term was our fun excursion to Port Melbourne Beach. We learnt about the Port Melbourne Surf Life Saving club, played games on the sand like capture the flag and then walked down to Bay Street for lunch. This excursion proved to us yet again what a responsible, fun and joyful bunch of students we have in 9/10E!
Secondary 9/10F are finishing the year in style! We have had a fantastic term wrapping-up our learning for the year and participating in lots of fun experiences. This term we have enjoyed visiting the cinemas to write a movie review on the film ‘DC League of Super Pets’. In Writing we created procedural recipes and celebrated our year with a day trip to the beach!
This term in 9/10G the students have had another incredible busy and successful term. Students have worked hard to build on their personal learning strengths and working towards being responsible and repectex members within the school community. 9/10G worked with the Upper Primary students once a week, where they were responsible for taking the upper primary students outdoors for activities, and working on their planning, collaborating and communication.
We have also focused on taking pride in our belongings and surroundings, and started on Wednesday afternoon selected areas in the school that needed attention. Whilst it took some convincing the students then wanted to get out and make a change to the school community, and were working extremely well together in doing so. A highlight for the students were the excursion to Port Melbourne beach for the end of year Fun Day, where the students got to participate in some Life Saving activities, and more importantly go and buy fish and chips for lunch. Another highlight, has been the creation of the 9/10G “Making a Mark” project which as seen the students create a street art wall “Concord School Gratitude.” The students also create a stencil of something were grateful for and have spray painted this on to the wall. Thankyou to all of you who have made this year in 9/10G a blast of a time!
The students in 9/10H have had a stellar year in 2022! They have enjoyed opportunities to take their learning outside the classroom, complete hands-on activities and to connect their learning to real world contexts. The students should be incredibly proud of all they have achieved this year!
Occupational Therapist: Jonathan Marshall
Students in the 9/10 Section have had an amazing term and have enjoyed engaging in new and exciting activities to develop their awareness of their bodies and build upon their self-regulation and social emotional skills.
Speech Therapist: Renae Gates
In Term 4, Renae has enjoyed working across the 9/10 section. Renae has been focusing on literacy and language along with attending experience days and whole section excursions. It has been great to see the students grow their skills and confidence!