Grade Two 

It is hard to believe the year is almost over! It has been a busy term with the inclusion of our Dance Production and we were super impressed with the enthusiasm and effort the students put into their performance.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing students for continually showing such positivity and dedication towards their learning and finishing the year on such a positive note.



In English the students have continued to develop their persuasive writing skills. There has been a strong connection between our English and Integrated sessions and the students have been using the  information gained from our Integrated topic as a focus for their writing.  They have been using their growing knowledge of the structure and features of a persuasive text to write a pitch for an invention that they have designed. They will use that pitch to persuade the class that their invention would be worth investing in (Shark Tank style). During our reading sessions, students have been learning how to research different forms of technology and search for the information they need.  There has also been a strong focus on reading with expression and fluency and changing our voice to match the tone of the text. 



In Mathematics, students have been exploring a range of topics including Money, Fractions, Time, Shape and Probability.  Students have enjoyed furthering their knowledge through a range of activities that include class games, open ended tasks and problem solving scenarios. We have been encouraging the students to use their critical thinking skills in preparation for the more difficult worded problems they will be exposed to next year in Grade Three.



During our integrated sessions we have been exploring Connections Through Generations. The students have been working hard on designing and improving a piece of technology that has been used either in the past, or in present times.  This process has required critical and creative thinking and the students have tackled the challenge with great enthusiasm. They will be presenting their design, along with the pitch that they created in English to their class in the last weeks of school. We are very much looking forward to seeing what our little entrepreneurs come up with.


We are so proud of our wonderful Grade 2 students and wish them all the best for Grade Three. 


The Grade Two Team