
Sun Smart Reminders  


We have been very fortunate with mild weather as we have started this term, however our sun is very strong, even on the cooler days, which means we need to remember to be Sun Smart! 


Hats are a must during playtimes and physical education. Please ensure your child has their school hat at school. Hats should remain at school and come home at the end of the term to be washed. We have a 'No Hat No Play' policy, where students who do not have their hat will have to remain under shaded area during playtimes. 


We also ask that you send in roll on sunscreen for your child to keep in their tubs and teach your child how to apply this correctly. During Term 1, it is best to apply sunscreen in the morning and your child can then top it up through the day. 


Keeping hydrated is great for the body and very important for our growing brains! Please ensure your child has a named water bottle at school each day. 


Our lunch boxes are kept cool in classrooms or in shaded areas around the school, however it is still a good idea during the summer months to add in a small ice-brick/freezer block to help keep food items cool. These are readily available at supermarkets or Kmart. 




Looking for Lunch Box ideas? 

Visit  https://heas.health.vic.gov.au/schools/healthy-lunchboxes  to learn about the Pick & Mix strategy to make school lunches fun and healthy!