Catholic Identity

The Third Week of Advent .......


The theme for this third week of Advent is Joy. The candle for the third week of Advent is pink. Pink is the colour of joy. We are joyful because we are now more than halfway through our Advent season of waiting to celebrate the birth of Jesus. 


It is the Sunday of JOY - God of our waiting. We light the candle to remind us that Mary accepted your invitation to be the mother of Jesus. We pray that you may deepen our spirit of joy so that we may carry the light of hope into our world.


How will you shine your light this Christmas?



Advent Wreath Candles - 

Week 1 - Hope (Purple)

During the first week we light the Prophet’s Candle as we focus on the virtue of hope.  This week is a time to acknowledge that Jesus is coming.  We should begin preparing our hearts to welcome Him at Christmas.


Week 2 - Love (Purple)

On the second Sunday of Advent, the second purple candle is lit. This candle typically represents love. Some traditions call this the "Bethlehem Candle," symbolizing Christ's manger.


Week 3 - Joy (pink)

On the third Sunday of Advent the pink, or rose-colored candle is lit. This pink candle is customarily called the "Shepherds Candle," and it represents joy.


Week 4 - Peace (purple)

The final week of Advent is a time of peace as we light the Angel’s Candle.  We should be mindful of the Angels’ announcement of, “Peace on earth, good will to men!”





Our End of Year Graduation Mass was a joyous occasion. A chance to celebrate & reflect on the year that’s been ~ the achievements, the learning, the relationships built and all the joy had. 


Congratulations to our Year 6 graduates, you shone on the night. Well done, you will all be missed. 


A big thank you to Fr Peter, who is always so welcoming and what a wonderful occasion to celebrate as a community. 


Thank you to Chris Quinn & Michael Mandoo (Year 5) who led our music. What talent! We were truly blessed to have you both sing at our Mass. 


Thank you to everyone who was able to come back for our community bbq, the laughter, chatter & smiles were heart warming. Thank you to all those who helped to cook and serve the bbq we literally couldn’t do it without your help. 


Looking forward to many more of these celebrations next year in 2023. 


 St Mels Church Bulletin


Please find attached this Sunday’s bulletin from St Mel’s Parish for December 18th, the Joyful Mysteries and readings for week 2 of Advent



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