
Basketball at St Clair
We will once again be participating in the community basketball competition at St Clair. Making sure we can commit to participating every week relies on having parent volunteers as well as staff volunteers so we would love parents to get involved! We rely on volunteer staff to coach and need parent support as scorers. If you are able to support us please contact Scott Foale for more details.
A reminder for families is that this competition is not a school run event and, although we have staff willing to support each week, the duty of care for players rests with families. This includes ensuring that you are there to pick up your child promptly after games. As teachers, we would never leave a child unattended at the basketball stadium, and so arriving on time for pickups helps us all start the weekend on time. If you need to make special arrangements for your child, these must be communictaed to the school in writing before game days.