From the Principal

Dear Families,
Welcome back to another year of learning. As well as seventy new Preschoolers and four classes of new Reception students we have a range of students across the year levels who are new to Woodville Gardens School. We also welcome some new staff including:
Olivia Seidel, teaching with both Rachel Birch in Year 5 and Bianca Sarabia in Year 6.
Tamera Govett will be teaching with Paula Binder in Year 1. Madeleine Green is teaching a Reception class and Sriyani Mitchell is teaching the IELC students this year. Amy Ngu now has a full time position with Year 2 as Rachel Bondarenko is unable to return this year as planned. Paula Binder and Bianca Sarabia will be teaching in Year 1 and Year 6 respectively and also stepping into Leadership as Teaching and Learning Co ordinators this year.
We have all worked hard preparing for a really successful year and have plans for increasing community voice in our growth. You will have an opportunity to see the new learning areas and classrooms for yourselves on Monday 6th February, our Open Morning We will be providing a bbq breakfast, gold coin donation please, prior to inviting you to tour your childrens' classrooms from 9.30 to 10.15am. The Leadership team will then be available in the Resource Centre to catch up and answer any questions.
This year, in response to parent feedback as well as our own desire to be the best school we can be, we will be
- drafting our Reconciliation Action Plan
- redeveloping Sports Day
- implementing an Arts Exhibition
- exploring an end of year concert, and
-reviewing the structure of the school day to align with Preschool and High School.
A vital aspect of all discussions and decision making is parent and caregiver voice. While there will be a good deal of community consultation through the newsletter, an important way to be part of the discussions early is to join our Governing Council who meet twice a term (usually 5pm Wednesday in Week 4 and Week 8) to review improvements and progress across the site, B-6. We welcome new members and warmly invite all and any interested parents or caregivers to our AGM in Term 1 - date to be confirmed in the next newsletter.
Other things happening this term include NAPLaN (for students in Years 3and 5) and Parent Interviews. Please connect with our fortnightly newsletters (Weeks 3,5,7 and 9) for more information as the term progresses.