From the Principal
As the 2022 school year draws to a close I would like to thank families for the wonderful welcome back to Woodville Gardens that I have received as Principal this year.
We have had opportunities to connect as a community, mainlky in the second half of the year, as Covid restrictions eased. I am grateful for the support and attendance at or events.
There is another important way that we would love to have your support and advice around the education experience for your children at Woodville Gardens: we will soon be asking for nominations for the 2023 Governing Council and would like parent perspective on a range of important projects that will be happening in 2023 as part of the Site Improvement priorities.
These projects include a redevelopment of the Kitchen Garden learning area, the repurposing of the Teal building to incorporate our Language and Culture community space, IELC and playgroup and the mapping out of family engagement events across the school. We will also run a consultation process around the restructuring of the school day to align with the Preschool and High School finish times and consider our reporting processes to families. Your opinions and input into these innovations are vital and valued. The Governing Council are an influential decision making body, including parents from the Preschool as well as across the school, to advise on changes that impact our families. We meet twice a term, on Wednesday at 5pm in weeks 3 and 8. We ask that you provide an expression of interest early in Term 1 to the Front Office so that you can attend our AGM and consider nominating for a position on our Governing Council - the more the merrier!
I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday, see you next year!