
It's been a busy year in terms of the Wellbeing sphere.

We are a school that has the wellbeing of all our community members at the forefront of our minds.


Our school community has benefited greatly from Georgina Manning's knowledge this year. This started with a professional learning day with all of our staff. Georgie shared ways that children with anxiety can be supported to achieve their best. She touched on mindfulness techniques and the benefits of this. Mindfulness is something that is practiced daily by all students in our school. Following our staff day we held a well attended parent information evening. Here parents gained an insight into understanding their children's anxiety and ways to support them and guide them through this. 


Peaceful Kids Wellbeing Program was another initiative that we began this year, also due to Georgina's knowledge. This is a small group program that is run by myself and Jackie Canavan who have been trained in this area. The group runs for 8 weeks and explains emotions and responses to stresses to children. It develops their skill of managing their anxiety and supports them to grow in their ability to participate in mindfulness. Teachers will be selecting children for this program next year. 


Our Wellbeing Hub has continued to be a great success this year. The wellbeing hub is open and staffed at break times to support students who find it overwhelming to be outside for the whole of break times. Being in the hub allows them to have conversations with staff and other students, play games or just have a bit of quiet time. 


Explicitly teaching social and emotional skills is seen as an important part of our curriculum. Classes participate in specific lessons for 45mins - 1 hour each week. We have been thrilled to incorporate all aspects of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful relationships program into our teaching this year along with other programs such as Bounce Back, NED program and Berry Street. 


Please remember that as with all aspects of your child's education it is important that school and families work together to benefit the children. Please reach out to your child's teacher next year with any concerns or worries you have about your child so we can work together. 


I wish you all a very holy and safe Christmas with your families. I pray that you are able to spend time with each other and recharge your batteries for next year. 

Merry Christmas everybody.

Rikki Winduss

Wellbeing Leader