“Do you mind if I keep this book, or at least keep it for months on end before returning it??”
“Why sure you can!!” said no librarian EVER!!
Slowly, but surely, overdue books are creeping their way back into the library, some from as far back as 2020, which is really fantastic to see. While overstating it slightly above, it is really important to make sure that library books are returned to the library in a reasonable timeframe. All students can borrow books out during their session and they can have them on loan two weeks, after which they can renew for another two weeks if they have not finished reading it. Often with popular books there will be a ‘waitlist’ of students having reserved the title, meaning it’s important to have these back ASAP.
Please encourage your child/ren to be aware of the day of their library session so they can have their books ready and returned on time.
Book Club cash orders were due yesterday to the office (Wednesday 11 May), but LOOP credit card will still be able to be made for school delivery until tomorrow night (Friday 13 May). Thank you all for supporting the Book Club!
Susan Machell