
Excursions Year 8


Bees with Backpacks - Year 8    at Whittlesea Tech School;




During the month of March, students from Year 8 participated in the Whittlesea Tech School’s one-day ‘Bees with Backpacks’ Design Challenge Excursion, where they used their innovation processes to become apiarists (or bee-keepers), to design high-tech ‘Smart Beehive’ prototypes, to solve the ‘real-life’ problem of preserving our vanishing bee populations. This excursion was a follow-up to their Year 7 studies on ‘Interactions with organisms’, undertaken before lockdown in 2021. Students used their technology and 

communication skills, with TinkerCad 3D printing software and coding with Micro:bit parts to develop their prototypes, as well as 

applying other ‘soft’ skills required for their upcoming ‘Future of Work’ excursion. 

Many thanks to Alycia Benincasa and Chloe Cuthbert, who took time out of their regular scheduled classes to support all of the Year 8 students and myself on this excursion. 

The simulated workplace environment experience provided at the Tech School was productive and enjoyed by those students who attended!


Carolyn Drenen

Teacher Ambassador for Whittlesea Tech School


































Future of Work Excursion for Year 8 at Whittlesea Tech School:


During the month of March, students from Year 8 participated in the Whittlesea Tech School’s three-day ‘Future of Work’ Inquiry Program and excursion. Students used their innovation processes to visualise automation and design high-tech prototypes, to solve the ‘real-life’ problem of employees coping with innovation and technological change within workplace environments; leading towards either improved working conditions or productivity. Students used their ICT and communication skills, with TinkerCad 3D printing software and coding with Micro:bit parts to develop their prototypes; as well as applying other ‘soft’ skills that will translate well in other everyday situations. Many thanks to Paul Chapman, Peter Olah, Wanda Waligora and George Stingas, who took time out of their regular scheduled classes to support all of the Year 8 students and myself on this excursion. The simulated workplace environment experience provided at the Tech School was productive and enjoyed by those students who attended!



Carolyn Drenen

Teacher Ambassador for Whittlesea Tech School