P to the E with Leigh

P.E. with Leigh

Foundation and the factors that influence our experience of sport. It’s good to tune in to personal experience positive/negative as this becomes important for the children moving forward. Fitness, cooperation, understanding diversity and inclusion and rules and awareness of space. 


The activities this term are about bringing those values together in small skilled base work. I mostly start with tennis balls, bean bags and progress to bigger balls and small racquets as an extension. 


The 1/2s followed a similar program but it involves more catching and throwing with an emphasis on technique and being more accurate and precise. 


The 3/4s have started learning this term about the game of Netball. Like basketball which follows it allows the students to learn about passing, throwing and catching accurately and also beginning to think about strategy. The 3/4s have also jumped up to more time on fitness as a lot of the students recover from Covid timeout and improving general fitness. 

The 5/6s are also doing Netball but it is facilitated by a coach from Netball Australia, Kathy. She has really lifted the skills and is working hard with the students on game play understanding as well as building awareness of the game and its nuanced rules. The 5/6 students are also playing team sports on Fridays as we prepare for The Gala Day inter-school sports in early June. 


It’s been a busy term as programs across the school have increased as has the sporting activities across the district. Looking forward to making good social connections and having fun playing sport with other students from other schools.