Foundation–Celebrating Learning

Foundation - Mainstream

Throughout Term 1 and Term 2, Foundation students have had the opportunity to participate in the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP). PMP supports the development of gross motor skills in the early years by engaging the large muscles in our bodies like our arms, legs, and torso. The program also builds an understanding of positional language, which Foundation students have learned about in numeracy this term, by giving children instructions such as jump on the trampoline, climb through the tunnel, or walk over the balance beam. It also fosters social skills such as turn taking and perseverance. Our Foundation children have had so much fun having a go and learning new skills in PMP, and getting to watch them have so much fun has been really cute and rewarding! We would like to thank Leigh for getting the program set up for us, and all of our parent volunteers for coming in to give us a hand. 

Foundation - Steiner

This term in foundation steiner this term we have been learning to read and write the letters of the alphabet. Every letter has been introduced through narrative, teacher told and modelled stories. The children have then been able  to make connections to the sound of the day rhymes we learnt last term. Ontop of learning how to read and write the letters, and words where appropriate, they also have been practising being Deadly drawers - adding detail to their drawings about the story.


In numeracy we are learning the teen numbers, focusing on the place value and the different ways that numbers can be made. For instance knowing 12 as 10 and 2 more, but also as 8 and 4 or 6 and 6. 


So far it has been a great start to a busy term!

Well done!