School Council

Welcome to School Council for 2022 your representatives are:

Lucy Paplinska – President (OHSC Subcommittee)

Michelle Harmer – Vice President (Masterplan and Grounds Subcommittee) 

James Crafti – Treasurer

Jay Aggarwal (Social/ Enviro Subcommittee)

Amanda Stevens  (Koorie Education Subcommittee)


Eddie Oberbichler – Staff representative 

Emma Cornish-Giles - Acting Staff representative 


Each newsletter we will highlight different members of School Council starting with the School Council President and Koorie Education Representative: 

School Council President 


Kii, my name is Lucy Paplinska, I am the School Council President for the second year in a row. This is my 9th year at TPS and I am very passionate about the school. My son Kasper is in Juliette’s class. 

Koorie Education Subcommittee 


Kii everyone, My name is Amanda I’m on the School Council this year I have two children at school one in grade 5 and one in prep. I would like to help our school community and help with ideas for fundraisers for different events.  


School Council would like to thank outgoing members Matthias Lanz and Mel Del Monaco for their many contributions whilst on school council.

Major Capital Works Fund – State Budget 2022-23 VSBA led project student toilet refurbishment

What an amazing start to the year with some funding announcements for TPS including Minor Capital Works funding of $409,627 for a Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) led project to refurbish the student bathrooms. In addition to this we were very happy hear Ged Kearney MP was able to secure a $50,000 election commitment to contribute to these works also. This project is set to commence in June 2022. Thank you to everyone involved for your advocacy, attending (many) meetings, planning, campaigning and support.

Traffic Safety 

School Council and a small working group have been busy advocating for increased traffic safety around the school and have submitted a request to Darebin Council for increased signage, more obvious street markings to signal a school zone, and reduced speed limits.

Fundraising Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who completed the fundraising survey in term one, with survey results showing the need to improve the classroom literacy resources across all year levels drawing equal with the need to complete the Kitchen Garden Space. With a big fundraising year ahead School Council will endeavour to provide funds to both identified priorities.


The multimedia studio funded through fundraising activities in 2021 has entered into its implementation phase. Thank you to the teachers, and especially Finley for working on costing and sourcing the multimedia items to make the project come to life.

Arthur Reed School Photos

School photos are soon to be released, please await email confirmation for those who have registered as next steps for ordering your photos online will be included.

NAIDOC T-shirts and Deadly Hoodies 

We will again be sourcing our TPS NAIDOC T-shirts from Clothing the Gaps and a full restock will be available for purchase in time for NAIDOC Week (July 3 -10). We will have hoodies available to purchase in the coming weeks also and let community know via COMPASS notification.


Annual Report to School Community 14th June 6.30pm

School Council invites parents/carers to attend a meeting during which TPS leadership and School Council will present the 2021 Annual Report to Community.

Social Committee

May has been a huge month for bringing our community together and raising funds for the school. The Caregivers BBQ and the Election BBQ both showed what a vibrant community we have at TPS.


And that together we can do amazing things and have fun.


We brought music into the mix to make our events more festive, and wanted to have Indigenous representation at our events. For election day Pirritu, or Brett Lee, kindly gave his time to support us and sang some beautiful songs for us, so we thank him for that. A bit about him at and his music can be found on Spotify.


Students showed how enterprising they can be with their stalls for gifts, cakes, origami and board games. And a hearty thank you to the army of volunteers that made these events possible, and for the many donations.


We received donations from Simos at Briki Cafe, Coles East Brunswick, Coles Fitzroy and Woolworths in South Preston, for the BBQs, and we thank them for their support.


It has been an exciting month of fun and community, and our next big event will  be the Trivia Night on Saturday 13th August, so please save the date.



Enviro Team 

We had a lovely working bee where a fair bit got done, and new connections were made.


We're exploring ideas on how to get our community to come together around the different garden spaces that we have, and perhaps adopt or become friends of certain areas, not only for maintenance, but more importantly, connection to earth.


The plans for turning the shed into an undercover learning space for the garden program is evolving nicely and more will be revealed with time.


We've started using the blackboard in front of the shed to list tasks that families can get involved in while kids are still playing at pick up time, for those who are keen to get their hands dirty and contribute.


There are more plans in the pipeline, so stay tuned.



Jay Aggarwal (School Council Rep for Social Committee and Enviro Team)