Nominated Supervisor update

Policy Updates

The kindergarten maintains a number of policies to cover regulatory and funding requirements and assist with smooth operation of the service.


A number of these policies are viewable on the website and a copy of all policies is kept in the kinder office and available for anyone to read on request. You can also send me an email at to request a copy.


The following policies were recently reviewed and updated and ratified at the March school council meeting.  


Environmental Sustainability - no changes

Excursions and Service Events - minor changes

Road Safety - minor changes

Supervision of Children  - new format. 

Supervision of children

Per the recently updated policy it is the parent/guardian responsibility to be 

Supervising their own child/ren before signing them into the program and after they have signed them out of the program
Supervising other children in their care not enrolled at the Service (such as siblings) whilst attending or assisting at the Service

With this in mind please ensure when you are dropping off or collecting you are aware of the surroundings including other children. Also that you are not distracted, such as talking on the phone. Furthermore siblings of any age should not be opening the gate including for other families nor collecting children.